Fifth Level Magic-User Spells in The Arbour Coast | World Anvil

Fifth Level Magic-User Spells

Magic-Users cast spells through the exercise of knowledge and will. They prepare spells by study of their spellbooks; each Magic-User has his or her own spellbook containing the magical formulae for each spell the Magic-User has learned. Spellbooks are written in a magical script that can only be read by the one who wrote it, or through the use of the spell read magic. All Magic-Users begin play knowing read magic, and it is so ingrained that it can be prepared without a spellbook. A Magic-User may only prepare spells after resting (i.e. a good night's sleep), and needs one turn per each three spell levels to do so (rounding fractions up). Spells prepared but not used on a previous day are not lost. For example, a 3rd level Magic-User preparing all three of his or her available spells (two 1st level and one 2nd level) is preparing a total of 4 levels of spells, and thus needs 2 turns (4 divided by 3 and rounded up).   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  The casting of this spell causes the mortal remains of one or more deceased creatures to arise as animated skeletons or zombies. Such undead monsters persist until slain, and obey the verbal commands of the caster.   A single casting of this spell may animate a number of hit dice of undead equal to twice the caster's level of ability, and no more. Animated skeletons have hit dice equal to the number the creature had in life; for skeletons of members of player character races, this means one hit die, regardless of the character level of the deceased. Zombies have one more hit die than the creature had in life.   The sort of monsters created depend on the condition of the remains. A reasonably intact corpse may only arise as a zombie, while similarly intact skeletal remains may only be animated as a skeleton. The caster chooses which remains are animated when casting the spell, in any case where there are more bodies than the caster can animate.   No character may normally control more hit dice of undead than 4 times their level, regardless of how many times this spell is cast.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  This spell creates a 20'x20'x20' cloud of poison gas which moves at a rate of 10' per round under the control of the caster (so long as they concentrate on it). The gas kills outright any creatures of 3 or fewer hit dice or levels it comes in contact with; creatures having 4 or more hit dice or levels must save vs. Poison or die. The cloud persists for the entire duration even if the caster ceases to concentrate upon it.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  A portal to one of the Elemental Planes is opened, allowing the Magic-User to summon an elemental from that plane. Review the Elemental entry in the Monsters section on page 88 for further details regarding the types available and their statistics. At most one elemental of each type may be summoned by the caster in a given day. Once the elemental appears, it serves the conjurer indefinitely, provided the caster concentrates on nothing but controlling the creature; spell casting, combat, or movement over half the normal rate results in loss of concentration. The conjurer, while in control of an elemental, can dismiss it to its native plane at will (doing so on their Initiative if in combat). If the Magic-User loses concentration, control of the summoned Elemental is lost and cannot be regained. The creature then seeks to attack the conjurer and all others in its path. Only dispel magic or dispel evil will banish the elemental once control has been lost. An elemental may, of course, choose to return to its home plane on its own; such creatures will not choose to remain on the material plane for long.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  This spell allows the caster to inflict a terrible curse on a living creature, reducing both Intelligence and Charisma to just 1 point each. A saving throw vs. Spells is allowed to resist this effect, but if the target creature is a spellcaster a penalty of -4 is applied to the saving throw. Once feebleminded, the victim of this spell can no longer cast spells, speak or understand any language, or indeed communicate at all as their mind can no longer understand even such simple things as pointing or beckoning. The victim still knows their friends and allies and will follow them and try to help or protect them.   This effect can be removed with a heal spell, or with the reversed form of this spell restoremind.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  This spell functions like hold person, except that it affects any living creature that fails its save vs. Spells.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  This spell allows the caster to attempt to possess the body of another living creature. The caster begins by placing their spirit into a gem, jewel, or large crystal of some sort within the spell range, called the magic jar. The caster needs to know where the magic jar is located, but does not have to be able to see it. While the caster's spirit is outside their body, that body appears to all intents and purposes to be dead, but does not undergo decay as a normal dead body would. Each round after entering the magic jar the caster's spirit can attempt to take control of the body of a living creature within the spell range; the target is allowed a save vs. Spells to resist. If the saving throw fails, the spirit of the target (now called the host) is trapped in the magic jar and the caster's spirit takes possession of the host's body. Possession of a creature by means of this spell is blocked by protection from evil or a similar ward. If the attempt to possess a victim fails, the caster's spirit remains in the magic jar, and that target creature is immune to further attempts for the duration of the spell. The caster may make an attempt to possess another target on the following round, if desired. If on the other hand the possession attempt is successful, the caster may remain in control of the host's body for as long as desired. The caster's spirit may return to the magic jar at any time when it is within spell range, restoring the host's spirit to its own body. The caster may not return to the same host's body again for the remainder of the duration of this spell, but may attempt to possess it again on a subsequent casting. Whenever the caster's spirit is in the magic jar, it may choose to return to its own body if it is within spell range. If the body is not in range, the caster's spirit may become trapped if no vulnerable creatures are in range. Whenever the caster's spirit returns to their own body, the spell ends. There is a 50% chance that the magic jar will shatter when the spell ends (if the spell did not end because it was broken), becoming worthless and unusable. When the caster's spirit possesses a host, the caster has access to the physical abilities of the host's body, including Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, while still retaining their own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The caster has access only to their own knowledge, class and level, attack bonus, saving throws, spell casting ability, and any other purely mental capabilities. The caster does not gain access to supernatural or otherwise extraordinary powers of the host, and may not be able to perform physical actions that the caster has never done before (such as flying, if a winged body has been possessed). The caster does have access to the host's sensory capabilities, such as Darkvision, the enhanced sense of smell of a dog, and so on.   If the caster's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is broken (whether by dispel magic or physical damage), the caster's spirit will return to its own body if it is in spell range; if not, the caster's spirit departs (i.e. the caster dies). In either case, the spell ends. If the caster's spirit is driven from the host body by dispel evil, and the magic jar is in range of the host body, the caster's spirit returns to the jar and the host's spirit returns to its body. The caster will not be able to possess the same host again for the remaining duration of the spell. If the magic jar is not in range of the host body, the caster's spirit departs, the host's spirit is freed from the jar and also departs, and the host's body dies. If the host's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is broken while in spell range of the host body, the caster's spirit departs, the host's spirit returns to its body, and the spell ends. If the jar is broken while out of range of the host's body, the host's spirit departs, the caster's spirit is stranded in the host body. Note here that the spell has not ended. Dispel evil can still be used to drive the caster's spirit from the body, which departs as noted, ending the spell. A stranded caster may use another casting of this spell (with another magic jar, of course) to return to their own body, which of course kills the host's body.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  Passwall creates a passage through wooden, plaster, or stone walls, but not through metal or other harder materials. The passage is up to 10 feet deep plus an additional 10 feet per three caster levels above 9th (20 feet at 12th, 30 feet at 15th, 40 feet at 18th). If the wall’s thickness is more than the depth of the passage created, then a single passwall simply makes a niche or short tunnel. Several passwall spells can then form a continuing passage to breach very thick walls. When passwall ends (due to duration, dispel magic, or caster's choice), creatures within the passage are ejected out the nearest exit.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  This spell creates a field impenetrable to most kinds of scrutiny. Those looking into the area from outside see only a dark, foggy mass. Darkvision cannot penetrate it. Eavesdroppers do not perceive any sound, no matter how loud, emanating from the area. Those inside the affected area can see and hear outside the affected area normally. Anyone inside the affected area are immune to ESP spells.   Divination spells like magic mirror, clairvoyance, and clairaudiance cannot perceive anything within the area. No speech is possible between those inside and those outside the sanctum. The spell does not prevent other means of communication, such as telepathic communication, or such as that between a Magic-User and a familiar. Private sanctum does not stop creatures or objects from moving into and out of the area.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  Protects the caster. The caster's skin becomes hard and stone-like, protecting the caster by absorbing the first 10 points of damage from all attacks. (This operates like hardness.) Once the spell has absorbed 10 points of damage per caster level, the spell is discharged.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  This spell permits the caster to move objects or creatures by concentration alone; the caster can move such things weighing up to 50 pounds per caster level at a rate of up to 20 feet per round. Creatures targeted by this spell are allowed a saving throw vs. Death Ray to resist, whether it is the creature itself being affected or an object in its possession.   In order to use this power the caster must maintain concentration, moving no more than normal movement (no running), making no attacks and casting no further spells. If concentration is lost (whether intentionally or not), the power may be used again on the next round but the target of the effect is allowed a new saving throw.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  The caster of this spell is instantly transported to another location up to 100 miles away per level of ability. The spell transports the caster only within their current plane of existence. Other creatures (passengers) and inanimate objects (cargo) may be transported along with the caster, up to a maximum of 300 pounds plus 100 pounds per level above 10th. The caster must be in contact with all objects and/or creatures to be transported (although creatures to be transported may be in contact with one another, with at least one of those creatures in contact with the caster). Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. Spells to resist the spell, and the caster may need to make an attack roll to make contact with such a creature. Likewise, a successful save vs. Spells will prevent items in a creature's possession from being teleported.   The spell is directed by the mind of the caster, who must visualize the destination area; failure to visualize it properly can cause the spell to fail in a variety of ways, and destinations heavily saturated with magical energy (as defined by the Game Master) will cause the spell to fail automatically. To determine the results of this spell, choose the appropriate column on the table below, then roll d%.
01 01-02 01-03 DISASTER
02 03-07 04-13 WRONG PLACE
03 08-13 14-25 FELL SHORT
04-00 14-00 26-00 SUCCESS!
  Knows Well applies when the caster has visited the destination frequently and/or spent a substantial amount of time there; generally, the caster should have spent at least 7 days (not necessarily in a row) at the destination within the last year to qualify for this category. Any place where the caster lived for more than a month in the last ten years, or more than a year in their life, also qualifies.   Knows Somewhat applies when the caster has spent substantial time in the destination area, but not enough to qualify for Knows Well. Alternately, the caster may have made an in-depth study of the area, looking at accurate drawings, maps, and floorplans or spending hours listening to descriptions from one or more people who Know Well the destination.   Saw Once applies when the caster has visited a place for as much as a day, but no more, or when the caster has attempted the study required for the second definition of Knows Somewhat but has failed to acquire enough information (in the GM's opinion).   If the caster attempts to travel to a location that does not exist, or perhaps once existed but has been destroyed or otherwise changed so much that the caster would not recognize it, roll 2d20 instead d% for the result of the casting. In this case, if Success! is rolled the spell simply fails and no one is transported anywhere.   Success! means exactly what it says. The caster, passengers, and cargo arrive safely exactly where the caster intended.   Fell Short indicates that the caster, passengers, and cargo arrive safely 1d8x10% of the way to the intended destination. Note that arriving "safely" does not mean that the destination is safe, but only the trip.   Wrong Place means that the caster, passengers, and cargo arrive at some place that resembles the intended destination. This means that the caster appears in the closest similar place within range, as decided by the GM. If no such area exists within the spell’s range, the spell simply fails instead.   Disaster indicates that the caster, passengers, and cargo have encountered dimensional turbulence and have crashed, becoming separated (if passengers and/or cargo accompanied the caster) and being injured in the process. Each creature including the caster suffers 1d12 points of damage, and then rolls again on the same column using 2d20 instead of d%. If another Disaster is rolled for any creature, apply another 1d12 points of damage and roll once more. Cargo objects are not normally damaged but the result must be rolled for each such item to determine where it has appeared; in this case, if Disaster is rolled the cargo item disappears forever.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
  Using this spell the caster creates a stone wall. The wall is composed of up to one 10'x10' square section, one foot thick, per caster level. The caster can form this wall into almost any shape, with some restrictions. The caster can increase the thickness of the wall with a proportionate reduction in the area; for example, doubling the thickness halves the area. The wall cannot be created such that it occupies the space of any object or creature. It must be adequately supported by existing stone, which it will bond with automatically, but need not be supported over its entire area. For example, a wall of stone may be formed into a bridge over a stream or chasm, so long as both ends of the bridge rest solidly upon (and bond with) existing stone.   Bridges longer than 20 feet must be arched, buttressed, or both in order to stand; this extra construction reduces the wall's usable volume by half, as does creating a wall with battlements, crenelations, and similar basic structural elements. No complex structural elements may be created by this spell.   Though made by magic, the wall is made of stone and can be broken or damaged just as if it were ordinary stone.   The wall can be formed into a container to trap creatures, and if this is attempted the targets of the spell are allowed to save vs. Death Ray to avoid being trapped. If the save is successful the targets are able to make up to one full move to a space outside the container.