Fifth Level Illusionist Spells in The Arbour Coast | World Anvil

Fifth Level Illusionist Spells

Illusionists cast spells through the exercise of knowledge and will, exactly as normal Magic-Users. They prepare spells by study of their spellbooks; each Illusionist has his or her own spellbook, containing the magical formulae for each spell the Illusionist has learned, written in a magical script that can only be read by the Illusionist who wrote it, or through the use of a special first-level spell: read magic. All Illusionists begin play with read magic as their first spell, and it is so ingrained that an Illusionist can prepare it without a spellbook. Read magic has a range of “touch” and is permanent with respect to any given magical work (spellbook or scroll). Illusionists may learn spells by being taught directly by another Illusionist or by studying another Illusionist's spellbook. The Illusionist may also learn appropriate spells from standard Magic-Users (or other arcane casters, if used the spell always being at the level as it appears on the Illusionist Spell List. Likewise, a Magic-User may learn spells shared by the classes from an Illusionist. If being taught, a spell can be learned in a single day; researching another Illusionist's spellbook takes one day per spell level. Either way, the spell learned must be transcribed into the Illusionist's own spellbook, at a cost of 500 gp per spell level transcribed. A beginning Illusionist starts with a spellbook containing read magic and at least one other first-level spell, as determined by the Game Master, at no cost.

  This spell creates a 20'x20'x20' cloud of poison gas which moves at a rate of 10' per round under the control of the caster (so long as they concentrate on it). The gas kills outright any creatures of 3 or fewer hit dice or levels it comes in contact with; creatures having 4 or more hit dice or levels must save vs. Poison or die. The cloud persists for the entire duration even if the caster ceases to concentrate upon it.

  This spell allows the caster, or a messenger touched by the caster, to send a recipient a message through the recipient’s dreams. When the spell is cast, the caster must identify the recipient in an unambiguous way. The messenger (whether the caster or someone else) then appears in the recipient’s dream and then delivers the message. The message is purely one-way, and there is no opportunity for questions or interaction. When the recipient wakes up, they will remember the message perfectly.
  After casting the spell, the messenger is helpless and completely unaware of their surroundings until the spell ends. If the recipient is awake when the spell is cast, the messenger can either end the spell immediately or wait until the recipient goes to sleep. Once the recipient goes to sleep, the message can be delivered. Whether the messenger has to wait or not, the messenger immediately becomes fully aware again once the message is delivered. Creatures who do not sleep cannot be a recipient of this spell.

  This spell allows the caster to inflict a terrible curse on a living creature, reducing both Intelligence and Charisma to just 1 point each. A saving throw vs. Spells is allowed to resist this effect, but if the target creature is a spellcaster a penalty of -4 is applied to the saving throw. Once feebleminded, the victim of this spell can no longer cast spells, speak or understand any language, or indeed communicate at all as their mind can no longer understand even such simple things as pointing or beckoning. The victim still knows their friends and allies and will follow them and try to help or protect them.
  This effect can be removed with a heal spell, or with the reversed form of this spell restoremind.

  This spell sends an invisible wave of fear out forward of the caster to a range of 30 feet. Anyone in the area must save vs. Spells or be panicked. A panicked creature will drop whatever it is holding and flee using any means necessary. If cornered, the creature will cower in fear. The victim will also suffer a -2 to all saving throws. The creature will do this for the duration of the spell. If a save is made, the victim will suffer -2 to attack rolls and saving throws for 1 round.

  This spell allows the caster to attempt to possess the body of another living creature. The caster begins by placing their spirit into a gem, jewel, or large crystal of some sort within the spell range, called the magic jar. The caster needs to know where the magic jar is located, but does not have to be able to see it. While the caster's spirit is outside their body, that body appears to all intents and purposes to be dead, but does not undergo decay as a normal dead body would. Each round after entering the magic jar the caster's spirit can attempt to take control of the body of a living creature within the spell range; the target is allowed a save vs. Spells to resist. If the saving throw fails, the spirit of the target (now called the host) is trapped in the magic jar and the caster's spirit takes possession of the host's body. Possession of a creature by means of this spell is blocked by protection from evil or a similar ward. If the attempt to possess a victim fails, the caster's spirit remains in the magic jar, and that target creature is immune to further attempts for the duration of the spell. The caster may make an attempt to possess another target on the following round, if desired. If on the other hand the possession attempt is successful, the caster may remain in control of the host's body for as long as desired. The caster's spirit may return to the magic jar at any time when it is within spell range, restoring the host's spirit to its own body. The caster may not return to the same host's body again for the remainder of the duration of this spell, but may attempt to possess it again on a subsequent casting. Whenever the caster's spirit is in the magic jar, it may choose to return to its own body if it is within spell range. If the body is not in range, the caster's spirit may become trapped if no vulnerable creatures are in range. Whenever the caster's spirit returns to their own body, the spell ends. There is a 50% chance that the magic jar will shatter when the spell ends (if the spell did not end because it was broken), becoming worthless and unusable. When the caster's spirit possesses a host, the caster has access to the physical abilities of the host's body, including Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, while still retaining their own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The caster has access only to their own knowledge, class and level, attack bonus, saving throws, spell casting ability, and any other purely mental capabilities. The caster does not gain access to supernatural or otherwise extraordinary powers of the host, and may not be able to perform physical actions that the caster has never done before (such as flying, if a winged body has been possessed). The caster does have access to the host's sensory capabilities, such as Darkvision, the enhanced sense of smell of a dog, and so on.
  If the caster's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is broken (whether by dispel magic or physical damage), the caster's spirit will return to its own body if it is in spell range; if not, the caster's spirit departs (i.e. the caster dies). In either case, the spell ends. If the caster's spirit is driven from the host body by dispel evil, and the magic jar is in range of the host body, the caster's spirit returns to the jar and the host's spirit returns to its body. The caster will not be able to possess the same host again for the remaining duration of the spell. If the magic jar is not in range of the host body, the caster's spirit departs, the host's spirit is freed from the jar and also departs, and the host's body dies. If the host's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is broken while in spell range of the host body, the caster's spirit departs, the host's spirit returns to its body, and the spell ends. If the jar is broken while out of range of the host's body, the host's spirit departs, the caster's spirit is stranded in the host body. Note here that the spell has not ended. Dispel evil can still be used to drive the caster's spirit from the body, which departs as noted, ending the spell. A stranded caster may use another casting of this spell (with another magic jar, of course) to return to their own body, which of course kills the host's body.

  This spell works as hallucinatory terrain, except that any kind of terrain may be re-imaged, including terrain, structures, and equipment. This allows buildings to be hidden or added, and other equipment to be hidden or shown. Creatures, however, cannot be disguised or concealed, though they may always hide themselves within the illusion just as they could hide were the illusory terrain real. This spell requires a full turn to cast.

  The caster becomes invisible (as if by means of improved invisibility) and at the same time an illusory double of them appears (as if by means of spectral force). The caster is then free to go elsewhere while their double moves away. The double appears within the given range, but thereafter moves as the caster directs it (which requires concentration). The double may be controlled at any distance from the caster, so long as the caster remains able to see it.
  The caster can make the double appear superimposed perfectly over their body so that observers don’t notice an image appearing when the caster turns invisible. The caster and the double can then move in different directions. The double moves at the caster's speed and can talk and gesture as if it were real, but it cannot attack or cast spells, though it can pretend to do so. The illusory double lasts as long as the caster concentrates upon it, plus 3 additional rounds. After the caster ceases concentration, the illusory double continues to carry out the same activity until the duration expires. The improved invisibility lasts for 1 round per caster level, regardless of concentration.

  This spell allows the caster to send a horrific phantasmal vision through the recipient’s dreams. When the spell is the caster must identify the recipient in an unambiguous way. The nightmare prevents restful sleep and causes 1d10 points of damage to the recipient. They are then unable regain spells again for 24 hours. The recipient is allowed a saving through vs. Spells, which can be modified by how well the caster knows the recipient and if the caster has some token connected to the recipient. If dispel evil is cast on the recipient while this spell is being cast, the nightmare is dismissed with no effect and the caster is paralyzed for 1 turn per level of the caster performing the dispel evil.
  If the recipient is awake when the spell is cast, the caster can either end the spell immediately or wait in a trance until the recipient goes to sleep. Once the recipient goes to sleep, the message can be delivered. Whether the caster has to wait or not, the caster immediately becomes fully aware again once the message is delivered. The caster is completely helpless physically and mentally while in the trance. Creatures who do not sleep cannot be a recipient of this spell.

  This spell functions like advanced illusion, except that this spell activates when a specific condition occurs. The caster sets the triggering condition when casting the spell. The event that triggers the illusion can be as general or as specific and detailed as desired, but must be based on an audible, tactile, olfactory, or visual trigger. The trigger cannot be based on some quality not normally obvious to the senses, such as religious belief or magical ability. For example, the spell could be set to trigger when a character wearing robes and a pointed hat enters an area, but not when a Magic-User enters the area. The spell remains ready indefinitely. When triggered, the spell will last at most 1 round per caster level.

  This spell creates a quasi-real, illusory version of the caster. This illusory projected image looks, sounds, and smells like the caster, in addition to mimicking gestures and actions (including speech, which is projected from the caster to the illusory image as if by a form of ventriloquism). Any further spells cast seem to originate from the illusion, not the actual caster. A line of sight between the caster and their illusory self must be maintained or the spell ends. Any effect or action that breaks the line of sight dispels the image, as does the illusionary caster being struck in combat. Note that this spell grants no special sensory powers to the caster; for example, if the illusory self is positioned so as to be able to see something the caster can't directly see, the caster does not see it. Also, all spell ranges are still figured from the caster's actual position, not the illusory self's position.

  This spell works as change self, but instead can affect up to one person per two levels of the caster. All creatures to be affected must be willing and within the given range. The caster may choose which creatures are affected and may include themselves.

  With this spell the caster creates an invisible magical "eye" through which they can see. The eye has Darkvision with a range of 30 feet, but otherwise sees exactly as the caster would. It can be created in any place the caster can see, up to a range of 240 feet away, and thereafter can move at a rate of 40 feet per round as directed by the caster. The eye will not move more than 240 feet away from the caster under any circumstances. The eye cannot pass through solid objects, but as it is exactly the size of a normal human's eye, it can pass through holes as small as 1 inch in diameter. The caster must concentrate to use the eye.