The approach The Book Of Years Timeline

The Book Of Years

Age Of Creation

The Beginning Of Time

In the ancient, ancient days of time, when the world was new and fashioned out of the Void, the Elder Beings played at Creation. These Elder Beings were dark and horrible in aspect and soul. They dominated Creation, the Void and the World with their might.

  • Time Immemorial
    Elderwrath Origins

    Much speculation about the influence of Elderwrath attempts at Creation on our reality exist but none know the extent of it. It is said that our world was formed before their arrival and it was that Act which drew them from the Void. But, if that is the case, then we still lack knowledge of a Prime Mover or Creator.

Coming Of The Titans

Time Immemorial

It was then that the paragons, the Titans, came to our World and their explorations brought them before the Elderwraths.

  • Philosophical
    Origin of the Titans

    The Titans came Afar and Beyond. Writings that are alleged to originate from before the Titanomachia claim that they were drawn to our World by the Acts of Creation by the Elderwraths. That such harnessing of the very Power of Creation was like a beacon in the vastness of Reality. If so, then the arrival of the Titans was, from the first, fueled by a desire for power.

The Elderwar

Time Immemorial

The Titan Host threw down the Elderwraths and sealed them away outside the Void so that they would never trouble us again.

  • Time Immemorial
    The Elderwar
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Elderwar is often referred to in ancient history but it is unknown if they consisted of multiple conflicts or a grand, singular battle. Most creative works, lacking basis in historical fact, speak of the Elderwar as a single decisive battle.

The Titanic Era

Time Immemorial

The Titans reign supreme over all of the Known World and Beyond.

  • Time Immemorial
    Titanic Supremacy

    The Titans stood above all other life on the World. They fashioned cities of gleaming marble and metals. They strode the land and brought light to every dark corner. They were merciful and powerful, fearsome and compassionate. The Titans drew together the threads of civilization for the first time and all dwelled under the aegis of the Solar Assembly. The vassals of the Titans, the Ehlovanni, were a gifted and beautiful race that served the Titans faithfully for long generations of their lives. And so Light was brought to all of the World.

  • Time Immemorial
    Shadows Grow Amongst The Titans

    But the Titans first mistake was soon to haunt them once again. With power comes corruption and the eager, grasping minds of the Titans strayed from the dictates of their own civilization to walk dark paths of exploration and experimentation. Magic was used to create life both wondrous and horrible. Relics of unstoppable force were forged and then mislaid. It was as if the Titans lost all sense as they stood further and higher above the other races below them. Haughtiness became hate, pride became prejudice and hearts once pure turned dark in their imperiousness. Those Titans who dared, who feared nothing, went too far and breached Beyond the Void where they found the Elderwraths waiting.

    From just a few cracks did the darkness of the Elderwraths spread like a cancer amongst the body of the Titans. Their hearts turned dark and cruel, their passions sick and depraved, as they strode further and further from their civilized ways. Abominations of sorcerous experimentation, cruel blood-sports amidst their servants and the outright slavery of the mortal races. All of these sins the Titans took to their bosom as if renewing an old friendship.

  • Time Immemorial
    The Firstwars

    These new Dark Titans, the Shaitan, were discovered by their brethren in the Solar Assembly and war was inevitable. The sorceries, might and all of the power contained in darkened hearts struck out and shattered the Solar dominion of Titans over the World and Beyond. The Shaitan brought forth monsters of war created in sorcerous rites, drew on dark powers from the Elderwraths themselves and even bargained freely with otherworldly nether-beings in search of victory. The mortal armies of the two sides slaughtered each other indiscriminately as Ehlovanni and mortals chose sides in a war that would not allow anyone to survive. In the end, the Shaitan reigned supreme.

Era of Dark Dreams

Time Immemorial

The Shaitan, victorious against their brethren, claim dominion over all.

  • Time Immemorial
    The Reign of the Shaitan

    As the ashes of Life blew over the ruined World, the Shaitan stood supreme. These years are so dark that no one has sought to reimagine them and I will not do so here for fear that my imagination will become Reality. But, with the Shaitan in power, Reality grew bleak and murderous for all. The weight of oppression over all of the mortal races was crushing and the Shaitans power served to keep it there for hundreds of years as their hearts grew darker and darker.

The Titanomachia

Time Immemorial

A few thousand years of slavery was enough to light the fires of war amongst every mortal race and the War began in fire and blood. It was a slaughter until the Young Gods stood alongside the Named and their allies.

  • Time Immemorial
    The War of Wars
    Military action

    No power based on the cause of the Elderwraths can prevail in the Material for Reality itself fights back itself when threatened by extinction. And it did, by taking our heroes and raising them up, the first of the Young Gods were uplifted from our greatest heroes, most powerful sorcerors and most dedicated defenders. They rose up and ascended to Immortality, drunk on the power of the divine, and returned to fight alongside us. It was only then that the tide began to turn and yet we still struggled against a tidal wave. The confrontation drew Powers from elsewhere such as the Abyss, the Hells, dark and light dimensions alike, and we worshipped them such that they would fight on our behalf. So, with our Young Gods and the aid of Powers from all places, did we bring the fight to the Shaitan.

    On one side, the Shaitan with their Ehlovanni slaves and sycophants, the Wartorn of their creation, and the power of the Elderwraths. Arrayed against this, we numbered the Mortals such as Mankind, the Duergar, the Hin or Halflings, and our own Wartorn legions. Standing beside us were our once-mortal Heroes now gifted unto divinity as well as light and dark powers from around the Omniverse. With our worship, they grew stronger and each battlefield was a sacrificial altar of offerings. Even some of the Ehlovanni cast off their shackles and joined our ranks although they were few and ill-trusted for their strange and eldritch ways.

The Age of Loss

Time Immemorial

With the War ended so did the alliances, the peace and the tolerance of each other. Strife, great and small, beset our World.

  • Time Immemorial
    Chaos Reigns

    The mortals and Wartorn alike drifted their separate ways and sought to rebuild individually instead of together. The beastmen and other Wartorn were created for one thing and it was not long before they succumbed to their impulses. It was a dark age that fell not so much of oppression and wickedness but of loneliness as the numbers of the Mortals, even augmented by the ranks of the Wartorn, were but one speck of sand remaining from a sandy shores reckoning of the War’s toll. Civilization was a tattered dream as existence sank to red teeth and claws, and hunger, and self-preservation ruled all.

Age of Thera

Time Immemorial

  • Time Immemorial
    The Theran Hegemony

    It was the rise of the Therans that brought civilization back. The great island-nation of sorcerors, explorers and grand warriors in the old tradition. They uncovered the old knowledges and pledged to bring the light back into the world. And this they did, by setting out and stepping forth on each continent and place that they could find the mortal races. Their powers were great and their rule was mighty. Their language and writing formed the basis for many cultures as well as their histories which became ours and their magics which they taught to those trusted.

  • Time Immemorial
    Fall of Thera

    We do not know what caused Thera to fall beneath the waves. But fall it did and a diaspora of its people and multitudes of others from all over the World spread out in search of safe havens. Some found what they searched for but, with the light of Thera gone, many more found the darkness of savagery and war. The Beastfallen fell into old ways violence, the beastmen hordes of goblins, orcs, ogres and others descended on the remnants of the Therans in never-ending waves. The Sylvanni and Duergar, ancient folk that had seen similar times, closed their borders and sealed their gates.

The Thrones Era

Over two thousand years...

  • Estimated...
    The Mantherian Empire Rises In The West
    Era beginning/end

    Here on Aneloria, the remnants that survived formed the Mantherian Empire and its sister dominions. Hemmed in by the northern and eastern lands full of savage beastmen and dark powers, the Empire moved slowly in restoring the lands of mankind to a semblance of their past glory. They rediscovered kingdoms that had weathered the fall and strove against the darkness. They formed alliances, sponsored the founding of satellite kingdoms, and brought the worship of good Powers back to those who had spent too much time placating the Dark.

  • Estimated
    Kingdom of Aendor Founded

    In the lands to the north of what we call the APPROACH, the first King of Aendor was crowned and accepted the vassalage of his new nobles. The kingdom was small but vibrant with a great deal of confidence in their future. This confidence was well-placed as the Kingdom of Aendor expanded and accepted the fealty, either through diplomacy or war, of a number of subject kingdoms.

    The OVER-KINGDOM OF AENDOR is believed to have stood for over a thousand years. Unfortunately, as most of the lore is fragmented and the western archives paid little attention to the central regions, the dating of Aendor and its accomplishments is difficult and sometimes a scholarly guess.

    Since the cast-down heart of the Over-Kingdom lies deep in the northern regions above the APPROACH--the truth will not be known until we have gone forth and reclaimed the lands of old.

    More reading
    The Taking

The Taking

200 BE 0 BE

This period is still a raw wound on the world and the cosmos. Nothing could have prepared the lives of the Named Races for such an event. The Taking devastated a large portion of civilization in Western Aneloria and erased centuries of progress among the civilized peoples.

  • -5


    The Fall of Kirenos
    Military: War

  • -1


    Rise of Orien | Future King of Auredain
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As refugees huddle alongside Dain Lake, a young boy speaks of hope and courage. ORIEN speaks of an event that comes to pass--the arrival of the Three Heralds.

    The young male was acclaimed by all the survivors and began his first steps towards his destiny--as King Orien the First.

    Additional timelines
  • -1

    52 Autumn

    84 Autumn

    The Collapse
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the region known as the Approach and surrounding lands, a great seismic event ensued with aftershocks lasting several weeks. It is referred to in regional histories as the Collapse.

    More reading
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  • -1

    84 Autumn

    6 Winter

    Battle Of The Last Generals
    Military action

    Amidst the Strifelands, the last armies of the Western Kings fought the great hordes of the Taking to a standstill. The battle ended with the hordes falling apart and back, disorganized and no longer driven by a mad ambition. The Last Generals held the line but they did not stop the Taking.

    Something else did...

The New Age

The modern era since the end of the Taking.

  • 9 YS


    Founding of Auredain | Crowning of King Orien
    Additional timelines
  • 83 YS

    85 YS


    The Rampage of Surgid Fearhowler
    Disaster / Destruction

    Streaming out of the Sallow Hills, the forces of Sugrid Fearhowler, an Orcan warlord of fell repute, slammed into the Border Hills and took Dyramar Keep and the surrounding area. Fearhowler had coalesced the disparate tribes from the Sallow Hills and points north into a horde of significant size. For nearly a year, the warlord's forces raided south and slaughtered Auredain peoples and devastated the lands around them. The Kingdom of Auredain was forced to respond and a call to arms was issued. The Princess, Valenthia Auredain, was instrumental in breaking the spine of this horde and ending the life of Fearhowler. Upon the Orc warlord's death, the tribes and blackhearts under his command dissolved into the north, east and west; forming new yet smaller warbands which would continue to plague the kingdom. Dyramar Keep was left damaged and held by a paltry force of subhumans that were not worth the effort to root out.

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  • 117 YS


    Grimbould Thanked A Manling & Complimented His Beer

    Luke Manthey saw the driver.

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