Orcs - The Savage Ones Species in The Ancestor Isles | World Anvil
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Orcs - The Savage Ones

Orcs are a race of barbarians that inhabit the Savage Wastes. Some scholars believe the Orcs to be of hybrid blood, descending from interbreeding of giants and the various elvish races while some others believe them to descend from dwarves and elves. Neither theory has yet to be proven and the Orcs deny them yet have no knowledge of the origin themselves.     Homeland Orcs hail from, and rarely live outside of, the Savage Wastes in the northwestern part of the Ancestor Isles. During the Elder Era, this land was ruled over first by Ymir and his giants then by Zedes and his army of Dark Ones, the ancient enslaved Dwarves. Ravaged by long past wars, the Savage Wastes are considered unhospitable by all races except the Orcs.     Religion & Culture Orcs worship Zel'goth, the deity of destruction, domination and violence. Due to this, and their environment, most Orcs become barbarians and live a brutal, savage life. However, some Orcs choose not to live this lifestyle and leave the Savage Wastes to pursue a less violent and/or more noble life.

Basic Information


Orcs skeletal structures are similar to that of humans and elves. They are bipedal with two legs and two arms. They are generally muscular due to their culture. They are classified as sentient humanoids. Orcs also have two small fang like tusks coming out of their bottom set of teeth.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs are generally most comfortable within the Savage Wastes or areas similar to it as their race has adapted to it over generations. This doesn't mean, however, that orcs haven't been seen in other environments and are capable of surviving in them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs have heightened hearing, though it is unknown to why they do and their sense of smell is considered extremely poor compared to other races. This may be due to the environment they live in, but scholars aren't certain.
Unknown; believed to be of Giant and Dwarven descent.

Cover image: by Ghostyhappy (Comissioned, full ownership: DraagaxG)


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