Moon Elves - The Lost Ones Species in The Ancestor Isles | World Anvil
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Moon Elves - The Lost Ones

The Moon Elves (Dark Elves as a slur in the common tongue) are one of two Elvish off-shoots of the Elder Race known as the Avariel. During the First Realm Invasion, many Avariel were killed off, driving them to near extinction. However, many were taken prisoner to be used as experiments by Zedes, the first Realm Walker and son of the ArchfiendZel'goth. During the torture and experiments, the imprisoned Avariel were clipped of their wings, subjected to dark magicks, and starved of sustenance and sunlight. Promised the end of the harsh treatment and the temptation of power, some of the Avariel gave in and agreed to worship Zel'goth, which was the final step before their transformation into the Moon Elves.     Biology, Appearance and Lifespan: The Moon Elves have smooth, dark skin that is on the spectrum of grays and blacks. Their hair is usually white or red. Like their Elder cousins, the Avariel, and their non-Elder cousins, the Sun Elves, the Moon Elves have pointed ears. They are often considered beautiful yet threatening in appearance. Due to their origins, the Moon Elves have a shorter lifespan than the Avariel, but still maintain a lengthy life compared to other non-Elder races. Their average natural lifespan is of around 175 to 200 years, with their oldest aging up to around 250 years.   Society & Religion The Moon Elves are a people that are rarely seen within the wider, continental society due to their worship of Archfiends, with their patron deity being Zel'goth. Most see Archfiends as demons and monsters, a plight on the world. The Moon Elves are also known for the worship of the first of the Moon Elves, known to them as the Enlightened Ones, which many non-Moon Elves find ironic.   Through legends, myths and other stories passed down from their ancestors, the Moon Elves have traditions similar to the Ancient Avariel, splitting their society into two main groups. The Warborn, which are warriors, hunters, spies and assassins. And the Nightborn, which are witches, sorcerers, seers and scholars. While both males and females fall into both main groups, the Warborn are led by males and the Nightborn are led by females.


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