Dracons - The Scaled Ones Species in The Ancestor Isles | World Anvil
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Dracons - The Scaled Ones

Dracons, also known as The Scaled Ones or Eastmen, are an older race of bipedal lizard folk. Their homeland, known as Draconia, is southeast of the Sun Elf Dominion and east of the Kingdom of Snagria. While they're known for their physical skills, Dracons can be quite intelligent including the commonality of being multilingual. However, most actively speak only Draconic at home or within Draconia's borders and use other languages for trade and diplomacy.

Basic Information


Dracons are bi-pedal humanoids with two arms, two legs, a tail and two flaps of loose skin on their backs. These flaps permit Dracons the limited ability to slow their fall and possibly glide for a very short distance. They stand mostly upright but usually appear slightly hunched over. Their skin is mostly covered in tough yet flexible scales.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dracons lay eggs when they reproduce. Generally, they only lay one egg, rather than multiple, with the rare exception.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dracons grow rather fast when young until they hit their adolescence stage, at the age of 7. At this time, they go through a 7 year period of training until they reach full adulthood at the age of 14 and select which sect of their society they wish to serve in. The older a Dracon is, the slower their body appears to age.

Ecology and Habitats

Dracons generally prefer rocky and hilly areas due to these areas being commonly found in Draconia. The southern Dracons are notorious for their ability to adapt in cold climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dracons are skilled hunters and are primarily carnivores, but can eat various plants for a time to stave off hunger temporarily. The longer they go without meat, the weaker they become. If they go long enough without it, they can and will die.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dracons are ruled over by a Hár konungr ("High King") but are also geopolitically divided into three Major Houses, each ruled over by a 'storman' (Magnate or Chief in the Ancestral Tongue). The High King is voted on by the three storman and serve for life unless a vote of no-confidence happens, in which the High King can be voted out. Below the storman are the Karls (freemen) who act as the working class with farming, mining, hunting and more. Below the Karls are Elvish Thralls, which are elvish prisoners forced into labor. This is due to a long rivalry and distaste for elvish kind by the Dracon people, with few exceptions otherwise.
Unknown - Believed to be descendants of ancient dragons.
150 years

Cover image: by Ghostyhappy (Comissioned, full ownership: DraagaxG)


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