Tank Character in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Tank is a stoic enforcer-type formerly employed by the Diasporan fixer known as Blister, since recruited by the Hedron crew along with his compatriots. Communicates almost entirely in grunts and gestures, with the occasional three word sentence. There are rumors of him speaking at slightly greater length to those he trusts, but no one can be sure.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

A copper nose ring.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a salvaged ISC heavy security vest, with its identifying marks removed and its many, many bullet holes patched over. May no longer function as actual armor.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Contacts & Relations

In a long-term relationship with TB.

Tank's Crew

Class 1 Gang; Mechanics
  • Timmy, a radially symmetrical pile of dark gray tentacles, typically with four eyestalks and four grippers. Specializes in spaceframe repair and drive maintenance.
  • Tammy, a cheery woman belonging to an unknown arthropoidal species with thick turquoise fur and mandibles. Team sniper and unofficial morale officer.
  • Xally (pronouned 'Sally'), a nonbinary fluid lifeform inhabiting a powered suit. They are bright purple or violet, and specialize in breaking optronic security systems.
  • Layle, an azoni man with tan scales and white hair. Known for being a stick in the mud, but still a valuable member of the team. Works with explosives, both for salvage and demolition.
  • Halation, a cnidari woman with bright green and yellow coloration. The team's navigator and pilot; an expert at plotting stardrive jumps.
  • TB, an agarlot man who excels at repairing and maintaining land vehicles. No one is sure what 'TB' stands for - initials or some kind of callsign - but Tank is fond of telling people it stands for "Tank's Boyfriend," which never fails to fluster him.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Sky blue with horizontal pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Short, dark blue fur
Aligned Organization

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