Azoni Species in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Slender reptilian humanoids hailing from an arid world in the northern half of the sector. Azoni are covered in faintly iridescent scales, and have long whiplike tails that are just a hair short of being properly prehensile. Unusually for reptiles, they also grow hair on the tops of their heads to aid in retaining body heat.

Basic Information


Extremely slender compared to other humanoid species, owing to their snakelike internal structure. While they do have rigid limbs, nearly the entire rest of the azoni skeleton is segmented and spinelike, with ribs serving to protect the internal organs. This allows an incredible degree of motion and flexibility, with other species often describing them as "basically a liquid."

Genetics and Reproduction

Azoni are oviparous, and lay clutches of eggs.

Ecology and Habitats

Owing to their desert origins, azoni are exothermic and cannot function at all in cold environments. In low but non-life-threatening temperatures, individuals will curl up and go into hibernation until conditions are more favorable; a state than can last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, though with a distinct preference towards meat.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Azoni have an unusual facial structure that allows them to dislocate and split their jaws to accommodate whole prey animals (or particularly large sandwiches), though this is considered impolite to do around outsiders.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Azoni have a single pair of eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and long pointed ears. Vision is fairly standard, though they are able to sense and visually interpret body heat; smell is distributed between the nose and tongue, which can be flicked out for greater sensitivity.
Known Individuals
Average Height
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Scales range from bright green to a more muted tan, with varying iridescence; the brighter the color, the greater the sheen. Hair is almost universally blonde or white, though of course individuals are known to dye it per personal preference.

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