Spirit Pantheon Organization in The Age of Swords | World Anvil

Spirit Pantheon

The Old Faith, Gods of Blood and Power.

The spirit pantheon, sometimes called the "old faith", is a religion mainly worshipped by the neordic people of Skølmvar and the people of Caírdunnàn who claim descend of the neords.   The gods of the spirit pantheon are worshipped as immaterial and often malicious spirits. These spirit gods roam amongst men and beast in many guises. They claim power over both benign and malign domains and are fickle in nature.

Mythology & Lore

Teachings of the old spirit gods history are rare and manuscripts or other sources of their descend are almost non-existent. Worshippers simply believe they have always existed and since the dawn of time used their influence to satisfy both their benign and malign urges.


Worship of the spirit gods happens mainly at large cairns carve to their liking. Established temple structures devoted to these beings are rare. Instead, the people flock to these sacred cairns during religious festivals and gatherings and perform rituals there.   Sacrifice of food, tools, animals and people are common, especially further north, where the neords claim their home.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Old Faith
Permeated Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Spirit Pantheon

Cover image: by Zoran Kokanovic