Shinzu Ethnicity in The Age of Swords | World Anvil


The Shinzu are an extremely proud and zealous people, who take matters of honor and code of conduct serious to a fault. They are known for their loyalty, stern demeanor, unyielding stubborness and seriousness. Their culture is the zenith of feudalism where honor and loyalty are ground principles. Those who do not adhere to the strict codes often commit ritual suicide to regain honor for themselves and their family. Due to their loyalty, they often remain within their ancestral lands and rarely travel abroad.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aika, Cho, Kana, Nozomi, Yuyun

Masculine names

Hiroto, Kagi, Masao, Saburo, Tetsuya

Family names

Mori, Kota, Rada, Son, Yumigawa,
A shinzu heavy samurai
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

Cover image: L'Uomo Vitruviano by Leonardo da Vinci