The Village Settlement in The Age of Elizam | World Anvil
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The Village

At a glance

In the centre of Marsétan spreads the Village, this district is the hub of arcane innovation, diplomacy, and power throughout the The Ristarcan Peninsula. Despite its name it is by far the most densely populated district of Marsétan. The district traces its roots back to a small village in the northwestern reaches of the ancient The Cedalian Empire. After The Split it was one of the only intact settlements left on the Ristarcan Peninsula and recieved a large influx of survivors. It has since played a central role in the history of governence and securitization of the peninsula.  


  While the original name of the village has been lost to time, most stories and folk tales from the area suggest it has been inhabitted by conscious-kind for eight hundred years or so. With the perminent expansion of the Cedalian Empire into the Ristarcan region only occuring a few decades before the split, much of its formal infrastructure was minimal.   It, alongside Eleznór, grew in the years following the split as those displaced by the calamity sought places of refuge. After the split, the Village was the centre of efforts to secure the peninsula and push back the various threats into The Unending Forest or beyond The Wall. The legacy of Jeon Suncrest (he/him) and Julie Lauregné (she/her) cemented the Village as the nexus of governence and power in Ristarca in the centuries that have followed.   These days while glamourous for outsiders passing through, the Village is a much darker place for those imbedded in its politics. A complex, and often violent, political game is played for glory, influence, and power. Old political houses, ancient institutions, and cutthroat opportunists weigh heavily on the social landscape. For those caught up in these games, you are as likely to end up with knife in the back as your name in the mouth of those that matter. For those who stay neutral in the social landscape, the metropolitan district is filled with rich opportunities at the various colleges, civic institutions, and guilds.   Physic   The landscape of the Village is characterized by tall towers. With the exception of the Cynorm Cathedral and the Union Tower, the skyline of Marsetan is dominated by the tower's of the various old house, the Observitair An’ees, Yarali College, and the Council Hall. Outside of these large buildings the design of the district is a mishmash of styles. From House Nucifera's canals and House Annemast's urban fields to House Turmopende's fortified communes and House Tirvions tightly packed grid. It is clear that architectural style and urban planning bows to the whims of those with power in the district. For more on the governance of the district consult The Village Governing Body 

The Old Houses:

The Village has come to be governed by five Old Houses. Each house controls an area of The Village. Those affiliated take the last name of the house.  


Hall of Ivy. A gambling house, speakeasy, and meeting place for the upper echelons of the Village. It is an elegant old building, preserved since second century, with three stories of elegant brickwork covered by thick ivy. It rests alongside the banks of the Naud River with a carefully manicured lawn stretching down to the water. Here games of croquet are played in the summer months. On the side facing the river, the second and third story walls have been replaced with large glass panes that curve into skylights. The proprietor of the Hall of Ivy is Jintora Tradove (she/her).   The Rabbits Snare. A lounge and bar catering to rising stars and young heirs. It is ran by Hennor Virwenys (he/him) Yarali College. The largest bard college in Marsaten. Established by the bard Yarali Softtouch (he/him).   The Observitair An’ees the arcane College of Marsetan. The premier arcane college in Marsétan and the locus of magical research and innovation.   Endya Square. The central square of the Village where the Suncrest road, which runs Northwest from the Wall down into Fools Lip, meets Lauregné Ave, which travels southwest from Cynórm northeast to Eleznór.

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