White Oak Material in The Age of Calamitous | World Anvil

White Oak

This specific type of tree is quite rare and found only in certain areas of the world.


Material Characteristics

White Oak has a gray-colored core that reaches out into a white-colored bark.
These trees differ greatly in size and can become up to 100 meters tall.

Geology & Geography

White Oak can be found in the north of Fariondor and south-east of Serony.
It prospers within a northern climate.

History & Usage

Everyday use

White Oak is primarily used as firewood for the Upper-Class Nobility of Serony.
Due to its incredible endurance, it can burn longer than any other type of wood.

Cultural Significance and Usage

White Oak is used amongst the human kingdoms to craft luxury items or as firewood.
However, this specific wood is highly regarded by the Elven Covenant and used to create ships and weapons. As it's extremely rare, the Covenant believes that only one tree may be used every decade.
The durable nature of the wood allows the Elves to build vessels and armaments that can last for a century.


Trade & Market

The human kingdoms use this rare wood for high-class trading only. It's not available for commoners, and it goes for up to 5 silver coins for a single bundle.
The Elven Covenant do not use this wood for any sorts of trade, but instead, invest it into the Covenant as a whole.


Unlike other types of wood, White Oak does not break down easily. It can be submerged in water, remain in the ice/snow for years without damage.

Law & Regulation

The Elven Covenant only allows for one tree to be cut down every decade. If this is not upheld, drastic action will be taken against the culprit.
5 Silver Coins
Very Rare
The Scent of Snowfall
White / Gray

Cover image: by Milena Popgeorgieva


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