Troll Birthdays Tradition / Ritual in The Aerth | World Anvil
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Troll Birthdays

Who ever tells the truth about their age?   Not the Trolls.   Trolls spend the year trying to convince their community how young they are so the community can give them that age on their birthday. Trolls noticed something in their first century of existence. If they were young they were still valid. If they were young they could earn a new trade. If they were young they could re-commit to a better life. If they were young that partner they had their eye on might accept their advances.   If they were old they become one with the mountain and never love, never learn, never fight again.   The age of a Troll is hardly visible from the outside. Being made of rock, the visible changes of the centuries are rare. Perhaps they have fewer angles, but being smacked can fix that. Perhaps they have more moss, but being washed fixes that. Perhaps they are less motivated toward new things, but fury fixes that.   Inside the Troll community beginnings are forgotten. All that's left is ability... and deception.


Terra Magna Miffan created the Trolls. Their first birth. The first Trolls knew exactly how old they were.   "I am Tinog. I have twenty years since I was created."   After there were fifty trolls aging from 1 to 111 the definition of age grew blurred.   "I am Tinog. I can still rip the top off the mountain and eat it. I am still twenty."


First : Troll family and friends arrive at the home (cave)   Second : Troll family and friends partake of lava shots, or just charcoal gum in the case of the younger trolls, and the Season Cake (consisting of stone from each season of the year, melted and molded and eventually consumed)   Third : Troll family and friends take turns recounting their fondest (or loudest) memory of the birthday troll from that year.   Fourth : Based on the recounted memories, troll family and friends decide the current age of the birthday troll.   Fifth : Either there is much rejoicing or much wailing and gnashing of stone teeth.

Components and tools

Though many troll treats make their appearance on these days, the only thing needed is at least one memory of the birthday troll in the last year. Since memories are habitually insubstantial, and often complete lies, this component is a questionable one.


The Birthday Troll will of course invite all the trolls who they think will give them a good report, a good age. If their mom only ever saw them moping about the cave and refusing to listen to anything she said, of course she would vote for old age in her son. Therefore, many trolls do not invite their mothers, or even wives and husbands that have seen their mopey side.


The supposed date of the Birthday Troll's birth. Calendars not being frequent in Troll Homes the exact date is anyone's guess, unless something monumental happened that day. Ex. The day the Mountain King was killed.

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