Curse of the High King in The Accordlands | World Anvil

Curse of the High King

The following information was uncovered by Sir Miles, Seven Summer, Captain Sigmund, and Solennes of the Blood Moon in the great Library of Azraan   High King Valarus Vortigern. He was never a good man; but he was simply one who knew he had to do what he must do. His army of killers, and bloodthirsty warriors was mostly true, but this was because he needed the most hardened soldiers to fight the forces that threatened to wipe out this very Plane. You see, what Valarus stumbled upon was a breach in the Accord, a spot where the magic could not keep out the agents that threatened to cleanse all life from this world. He and his soldiers battled demonic forces, somehow holding them back against all odds.   The Winter King, Oberon, told Vortigern that he could work magic to save this world, but the cost would be his very soul. Not in this life, but every life. The obstinate Vortigern took this offer, and sacrificed himself to turn back the demonic threat.   The Fey magic sealed the rift but it was more of a curse than a solution. The violent entity that wanted to wipe out all life was tethered to Vortigern, trapped within his soul. Thus a never ending contest of wills between this entity and the High King was forged. So strong was Vortigern that he could mostly keep it sealed. But as he grew older his control waned; physical and emotional anguish inflicted upon him from the captive in his soul. The malice of this entity poisoned the lands known as Deverenia because it poisoned their King from within. The weaker Vortigern grew the stronger the entity became, and the cruelty and violence in his lands was a physical manifestation of this entity’s power.   This entity is trapped within the Black Sun; the physical prison that hovers over the city…   The Black Tower, forged by Vortigern’s most trusted friend, came up with a way to alleviate this suffering. The High King’s bloodline was made to share the curse, meaning his children could take on small parts of the burden, but they too would be subject to the entity’s malice. However it succeeded, alleviating the High King of some of his suffering.   Oberon had cursed Vortigern, you see, it was the only way. When Vortigern passed, his spirit is unable to rest, and it is unable to return to the Well. Instead, Oberon’s Fey bargain forces Vortigern’s spirit into a new body, a rebirth of the soul entirely intact. But so strong is this individual, that it wages battle with the entity once more…


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