The 529th universe The Central History of Humanity Timeline
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The Central History of Humanity

From the Spark to the Fall of the Third Empire, this timeline outlines the wars and triumphs that define humanity.

The Age of Beginnings

... 2548

  • 2048

    1 /3 12:00

    The Establishment of the Empire

    The Empire was first established in the mid 21st century by a band of politicians who believed in the doctrine of Regnum Aeternitas. This doctrine led to the creation of the Intertational Earth and Lunar Empire, which was superceded by the United Earth Empire after Warp technology enabled human expansion into the Outer Solar System and beyond.

  • 2228

    16 /8 22:00

    The Discovery of Warp Technology
    Discovery, Scientific

    Warp Technology, or the technology and physics required for interstellar travel was first discovered by Herman Davi in 2228. Though proposed as early as the 20th century, the first feasible interstellar drives were only created a few years after the establishment of Warp Physics. Warp Physics, or the quantum physics needed to punch holes in space-time or use quatum entanglement to transport large amounts of information was first established by Herman Davi, who then built a warp drive that succesfully carried a chicken to Mars instantaneiously. This discovery kickstarted the Spark, or the mass migration of humanity into the stars and the subsequent encounters with the Alien species in the Orion Arm.

  • 2378

    22 /3

    The Volare Encounter
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Volare, a species that had discovered Repulsor and other Gravity Control technology were friendly to humanity and joined the growing Empire.

    More reading
  • 2389

    15 /9

    The Bellaris Encounter
    Discovery, Exploration

    From the Journal of Harlem Young: "This Planet is inhabited by a sluggish species that attacked us with plasma weaponry the minute we were within 50 kilometres of the surface. Their weapons are made of plasma, and did significant damage to our ship. Several key systems were lost, including Sublight Drives. Emergency Warp to Fort Silver." The Bellaris were a warlike species, and their plasma weaponry wreaked havoc on the unshielded Human Warships. However, Warp Technology and Human superiority in this matter allowed for hit and run attacks on Bellaris Battle Groups. The 8-Year long war led to increased militarization within the Empire.

    More reading
  • 2416

    18 /2

    The Genetics Debates
    Gathering / Conference

    The Debate on Genetically Modified Soldiers was brought into full question with the proposed Spartans program (no im not ripping off Halo). This debate sparked a scientific firestorm as scientists and philosophers debated the idea, and some rushed to perfect it. The result was a soldier finely tuned for war, and the beginning of the end of conscription.

  • 2484

    31 /12

    Lunis leaves his family
    Life, Relationship change

  • 2502

    30 /5 08:00

    The Firing of Fort Silver
    Military action

    The Firing on Fort Silver by the United Rebellion Front began the First Civil War.

  • 2507

    Rangi and Lunis Meet
    Life, Milestone

    Rangi and Lunis fought after Lunis attacked Rangi's convoy. Rangi was able to defeat his older brother, taking one of Lunis's swords and starting a rivalry that would end only with Lunis's death in 2510.

  • 2510

    24 /2 07:00

    Lunis Nightwood Dies
    Life, Death

  • 2514

    13 /11 05:00

    The Destruction of Treaty
    Military action

    The Destruction of Treaty, the capitol of the United Rebellion, ended the First Civil War.

  • 2515

    2 /11

    The Parvus Encounter
    Discovery, Exploration

    From the Journal of Johnathan Chase:

    They rode in ships of black metal and glowing mass. They have remarkable speed, and manuverability. They possess plasma cannons that shoot bolts of glowing green plasma. Though initially stopped by our shields, the attacks eventually overloaded our shields, and we were forced to retreat to Croatia VIII.

  • 2540

    12 /7

    The Megenia Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The Megenia Treaty brought the Parvus War to an end. Signed by Rangi Nightwood, Chancellor Flint, and President Ashl'au'en of the Parvus Republic.

The First Empire

2048 32689

The First Empire stretched from its founding to past the 31st millenium. It saw the establishment of the human species as an intergalactic force, and its collapse saw a power vaccum that would only be filled by the second empire a million years later, after the great hibernation.

  • 2048 CE

    1 /3 12:00

    The Establishment of the Empire

    The Empire was first established in the mid 21st century by a band of politicians who believed in the doctrine of Regnum Aeternitas. This doctrine led to the creation of the Intertational Earth and Lunar Empire, which was superceded by the United Earth Empire after Warp technology enabled human expansion into the Outer Solar System and beyond.

  • 2228 CE

    16 /8 22:00

    The Discovery of Warp Technology
    Discovery, Scientific

    Warp Technology, or the technology and physics required for interstellar travel was first discovered by Herman Davi in 2228. Though proposed as early as the 20th century, the first feasible interstellar drives were only created a few years after the establishment of Warp Physics. Warp Physics, or the quantum physics needed to punch holes in space-time or use quatum entanglement to transport large amounts of information was first established by Herman Davi, who then built a warp drive that succesfully carried a chicken to Mars instantaneiously. This discovery kickstarted the Spark, or the mass migration of humanity into the stars and the subsequent encounters with the Alien species in the Orion Arm.

  • 2378 CE

    22 /3

    The Volare Encounter
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Volare, a species that had discovered Repulsor and other Gravity Control technology were friendly to humanity and joined the growing Empire.

    More reading
  • 2389 CE

    15 /9

    The Bellaris Encounter
    Discovery, Exploration

    From the Journal of Harlem Young: "This Planet is inhabited by a sluggish species that attacked us with plasma weaponry the minute we were within 50 kilometres of the surface. Their weapons are made of plasma, and did significant damage to our ship. Several key systems were lost, including Sublight Drives. Emergency Warp to Fort Silver." The Bellaris were a warlike species, and their plasma weaponry wreaked havoc on the unshielded Human Warships. However, Warp Technology and Human superiority in this matter allowed for hit and run attacks on Bellaris Battle Groups. The 8-Year long war led to increased militarization within the Empire.

    More reading
  • 2416 CE

    18 /2
    2483 CE

    The Genetics Debates
    Gathering / Conference

    The Debate on Genetically Modified Soldiers was brought into full question with the proposed Spartans program (no im not ripping off Halo). This debate sparked a scientific firestorm as scientists and philosophers debated the idea, and some rushed to perfect it. The result was a soldier finely tuned for war, and the beginning of the end of conscription.

  • 2484 CE

    31 /12

    Lunis leaves his family
    Life, Relationship change

  • 2502 CE

    30 /5 08:00

    The Firing of Fort Silver
    Military action

    The Firing on Fort Silver by the United Rebellion Front began the First Civil War.

  • 2507 CE

    Rangi and Lunis Meet
    Life, Milestone

    Rangi and Lunis fought after Lunis attacked Rangi's convoy. Rangi was able to defeat his older brother, taking one of Lunis's swords and starting a rivalry that would end only with Lunis's death in 2510.

  • 2510 CE

    24 /2 07:00

    Lunis Nightwood Dies
    Life, Death

  • 2514 CE

    13 /11 05:00

    The Destruction of Treaty
    Military action

    The Destruction of Treaty, the capitol of the United Rebellion, ended the First Civil War.

  • 2515 CE

    2 /11

    The Parvus Encounter
    Discovery, Exploration

    From the Journal of Johnathan Chase:

    They rode in ships of black metal and glowing mass. They have remarkable speed, and manuverability. They possess plasma cannons that shoot bolts of glowing green plasma. Though initially stopped by our shields, the attacks eventually overloaded our shields, and we were forced to retreat to Croatia VIII.

  • 2540 CE

    12 /7

    The Megenia Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The Megenia Treaty brought the Parvus War to an end. Signed by Rangi Nightwood, Chancellor Flint, and President Ashl'au'en of the Parvus Republic.

  • 3472 CE

    15 /3

    Fall of the Golden Age
    Era beginning/end

    The Fall of the Golden Age of the Empire marked an end to an age of science, art, and culture. Brought about by corruption in the Empire, and the mass migrations beyond the Milky Way, the Empire collapsed, triggering a period of war and internal chaos before the Empire re-established itself in 3489.

  • 3493 CE


    The Silver Age Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The Silver Age of the Empire was a time of military achievement and exploration, as the Empire expanded beyond the Milky Way. However, the seeds of the Alliance War was planted during the Silver Age, as the Alliance and the Empire slowly drifted apart.

  • 3978 CE

    The End of the Silver Age
    Era beginning/end

  • 4240 CE

    The End of the Uneasy Peace
    Era beginning/end

    The End of the Uneasy Peace caused the tension between the factions that formed following the end of the Silver Age to explode. As war raged, the Alliance saw opportunity to further weaken the Milky Way.

  • 4289 CE

    16 /7

    The Alliance Declares Independence
    Diplomatic action

    Due to the increased taxation upon the Alliance, and spurred on by advocates of an independent Alliance, the leaders of the Alliance Parliment

The Golden Age of Empire

2540 3472

It's the Golden Age, what other description do you want?

  • 2540

    12 /7

    The Megenia Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The Megenia Treaty brought the Parvus War to an end. Signed by Rangi Nightwood, Chancellor Flint, and President Ashl'au'en of the Parvus Republic.

  • 3472

    15 /3

    Fall of the Golden Age
    Era beginning/end

    The Fall of the Golden Age of the Empire marked an end to an age of science, art, and culture. Brought about by corruption in the Empire, and the mass migrations beyond the Milky Way, the Empire collapsed, triggering a period of war and internal chaos before the Empire re-established itself in 3489.