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The Shining City of the Sunlit Sea, the largest settlement of Humans on Calera.
  Contera is an ancient and thriving city that sits along the southern edges of the vast Lonrend Mountains. Its majestic estates and glittering towers are built around the tall cliffs, beaches and coastlines that border the Sunlit Sea. Contera has earned the nickname the Shining City in part because of the many roofs, spires, and domes made from metal and polished stone that glitter in both the sunlight and moonlight. During the night, the lamp lights powered by the great gas lines beneath the city ignite and bring forth a soft blue and orange glow to almost every major street and plaza, giving rise to Contera’s other name, the City of Lights.   Contera’s great wealth is driven by trade with almost every other city or nation that borders the Sunlit Sea and beyond. The city's ruler strives to craft policies favorable to commerce but otherwise take a relatively off-handed approach to regulation. There are no property taxes and access to free drinkable water, doctors and housing is law for every citizen. Modest taxes on foreign merchants, fees for pilots through the channels, and docking fees, are generally sufficient to supply the city's needs.   Contera’s economy is firmly based upon trade, merchants who buy and sell physical goods are prominent and even famous individuals within the city. Craftsmen, who manufacture goods are also highly regarded and often enjoy a higher position in Contera’s society and culture.   Contera’s currency consists of brass squares, silver rounds and gold nines.  
Not long after the ancient Kessian Kingdom reached the height of its power, in the northern deserts, a priest of the god Traxis travelled along the barren coastline in search of wisdom. He followed the tides, the rain and the storms, fishing and living as hermit, listening to the word of his god, the lord of starlight. Massurai was a kindly man and encouraged the few tribal peoples he met during his travels to share his catches and eat with him, he also gave the few trinkets and treasures he had found throughout his journey to those he met and after many years, the now old priest had shared his generosity and kindness with many. Eventually his travels along the coastlines came to abrupt end. His small raft that he used for fishing was caught and pulled out onto the Sunlit Sea during a storm surge and Massurai became lost in the deep waters. For many weeks his fishing skills allowed him to survive, drinking from the gallbladders of the fish he caught and eating the flesh raw. Despite his situation Massuari was not fearful, nor was he lonely or desperate for land, he prayed quietly to his god during the star filled nights and was as content as he had ever been.   During his final night on the Sunlit Sea for what would become his final journey, Massurai was visited by his god, who sat on the end of his raft and smiled at his priest. ‘Far, I have found you’, he said, ‘long has been your journey, across these waters, to all the peoples you have met, and to all those yet to come.’ Still smiling, Traxis bowed his head to his priest, who looked upon his god with awe. Without another word, Traxis rose and gestured to the skies where a deep black storm began to form. Massauri could only cling onto his raft of rough wood before the darkness took him and his vision faded away to nothingness.   He awoke on a quiet sandy beach, where great trees, vibrant flowers and lush plants rose up behind him and beyond, covering great spires of rock and stone that towered over and around him. The old priest was sure that the black storm had been his end, that this was a gift given to him by his god, but after a time, his hunger and thirst convinced him that the paradise was real. While searching for a small creek or river source to gather fresh water the old priest encountered an early tribe of the Nadel. He was met with curiosity and suspicion at first but Massurai slowly learnt the local language and taught them words in Kessian as well.   Massurai would spend his final years among the tribe, his wandering now far too strenuous and difficult, but he taught the tribe everything he knew. Imparting his kindness, his ability to give and receive no rewards from the exchange, and of course the knowledge of the Kessians. The ancient and revered priest of the stars died nine years after he arrived among the tribespeople, passing away softly while sleeping on the beach close to the village. His body was placed upon a small raft and covered in candles and oils. Sent adrift once again, Massurai disappeared into the Sunlit Sea one more time.   Many years passed, the tribespeople, began calling themselves Terans and used the knowledge they had been gifted by Massurai to craft boats, ships and other wonders that allowed them to cross the Sunlit Sea. They traveled along the coastlines and met with the peoples and cultures growing there. Wherever they went, they found that the people all held a similar legend. A kindly man of the stars who shared and gave away treasures in return for a smile.  
The Amber Fleet
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The Shining City

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