An Essay on the Human Race Species in The 4th Epoch | World Anvil

An Essay on the Human Race

By Virgil Shelton

Many academics far more studied and knowledgeable than I have attempted to define that seemingly inexplicable creature known as man. In spite of this, his many actions and influences have been more difficult to map than the ever changing waves upon our shores. The Human Race is simultaneously beautiful and horrifying to behold. In spite of all the efforts to reach an understanding of him, no adequate text exists that can accurately measure their behavior. Nevertheless I will attempt here to put to pen my own limited understanding of these beasts, although I fear that being one of these animals myself will give me far too shortsighted a view of the matter at hand. I only pray that these pen scratches are enlightening to some future reader.

Humans are unique amongst the animal races as the first of them to evolve beyond the need of a useful body to survive. Humans have no claws or sharp teeth to speak of. They are not particularly strong or fast. They lack fur to keep them warm in the winter and they have no mechanism to keep them cool in the summer. They cannot swim particularly well, although they insist on doing so anyway. Instead of relying on any sort of physical abilities, the Human Race made use of intelligence and in this he reigned supreme in the animal kingdom. When chased by predators, Humans figured out how to turn rocks and sticks into weapons. When cold in the winter, Humans turned branches and mud into a hut. And so this went for millenia, Man becoming more and more clever even learned to bend congruence itself to his will. Mankind emerged as the apex predator on the planet. Even when other advanced beings came to these shores, Humans used their knowledge and cunning to maintain control over their environment. Today no other species truly comes close to rivaling Humans.

This domination of the other creatures seems to have led to a very strange problem for this race. With no other species to compete with, many of the Human Race turn to hunting the only worthy prey available: other humans.

And here we have the inexplicable duality of Humankind. Why is it that some Humans seek out war when peace would benefit all involved. Why do some of this race seek to steal and pillage those things that they could gain easily through mutual cooperation. It is truly bizarre the lengths that some humans will go to in his efforts to destroy others of his race. The supposed reasons for this are legion. This one goes to a church with the wrong symbol, that one was born in a castle whose flag has different colors than mine, this one’s skin isn’t the right color. But it always comes back to some sort of primal urge to hunt and feed on those weaker than one’s self, even when that urge is prettied up with all sorts of modern decorum.

And as for the Human Race’s relationship with the other intelligent species... well, if Mankind treats his own brother this way, one can only imagine how he treats those species not of his house.

But through all of this there, almost unimaginably at times, is a ray of sunlight through the dark recesses of Mankind’s soul. Through all of man’s history, for every one of them who would destroy, there is another who would build instead. I’ve seen humankind build cities more beautiful than anything the poets dreamed of. I’ve seen artists create masterpieces so profound that nature itself wept. I’ve seen adepts bend congruence so deftly they rivaled the Divinities themselves.

Indeed, when one wipes away the dark smear of greed and intolerance from Humankind’s visage, one is confronted with Human’s overwhelming potential.

I have traveled far through this land and I have seen many things. I can only say this of the Human Race. He is as beautiful and benevolent as he is horrifying and cruel. I can only pray that the side of beauty wins out before it is too late.


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