The Haunted Hull Myth in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

The Haunted Hull

One of the most enduring childhood stories that still haunts many adults in the Thallit Delta is the tale of the "Haunted Hull". The story goes that deep in the heart of the Thallit Delta, there lies a derelict spaceship that was abandoned many years ago, left to drift in the void. The ship's crew had all mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind only the eerie, silent hulk of the vessel.   As the years passed, the ship became the stuff of legend, whispered about in hushed tones around campfires and in dimly lit bars. Some said that the crew had been taken by a terrible alien race, others claimed that the ship was cursed and that anyone who dared to enter it would never return.   Despite the warnings, many brave (or foolhardy) souls ventured into the Haunted Hull, seeking to uncover its secrets and perhaps even find some treasure among the debris. But those who returned were forever changed, their minds scarred by the horrors they had seen. They spoke of twisted, eldritch creatures that lurked in the shadows, and of a maddening, otherworldly intelligence that seemed to drive the ship's systems.   Today, the Haunted Hull remains a source of fear and fascination for many in the Thallit Delta. Some still believe that the ship holds hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, while others swear that the unseen horrors still lurk within, waiting for their next unsuspecting victim. So, it's better to avoid the derelict spaceship with unseen horrors.

Aria’s Tale

Once upon a time, there was a young pilot named Aria who had always been fascinated by the stories of the Haunted Hull. She had heard the tales of the ghostly crew and the strange noises that echoed through the empty corridors, and she couldn't resist the pull to explore the abandoned ship for herself.  
Aria set out on her journey with a group of fellow pilots, all eager to see the Haunted Hull for themselves. They found the ship drifting in a remote part of the Thallit Delta, its hull scarred and its engines silent. As they boarded the vessel, they found that the stories were true. The ship was eerie and unsettling, with a sense of foreboding that seemed to cling to the walls.   As they ventured deeper into the ship, they began to encounter strange and terrifying sights. They saw ghostly apparitions of the crew, who seemed to be trapped in a never-ending cycle of their final moments. They heard strange noises that seemed to come from nowhere, and felt a sense of dread that grew stronger with every step.   Despite her fear, Aria pressed on, driven by her curiosity and the thrill of the unknown. But what she saw in the depths of the Haunted Hull would change her forever. She encountered a being unlike anything she had ever seen before, a creature from another dimension that had somehow found its way into our reality. The creature was terrifying, with tentacles and eyes that seemed to be everywhere at once.   Aria and her crew fought for their lives as they tried to escape the ship, but the creature was relentless. In the end, they were able to destroy it and escape, but the experience had left them all shaken and changed.   Aria returned home physically intact, but she was never the same. The horrors of the Haunted Hull haunted her dreams and her thoughts, and she could never shake the feeling that something was still out there, waiting for her. She had seen things that no human should ever have to see, and it had left her forever changed.   From that day on, Aria had become known as the brave survivor of the Haunted Hull, and her story was passed down through generations as a warning to those who would seek the forbidden knowledge that lies within the derelict spaceship.

by MidJourney

A warning to wayward children

"You best be listenin' to yo mama and daddy, cher. 'Cause if you don't, you might find yo'self sent out to the Haunted Hull. Dat dere ship been abandoned fo' centuries, and the spirits of dem poor souls still trapped inside ain't too pleased 'bout it. Dey say dat if you set foot on dat hull, you ain't never comin' back the same. So you best be behavin' now, or you might end up as one of dem ghost stories told 'round the campfire."

Cover image: by MidJourney


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