Nexus Silk

Nexus Silk is a rare, naturally occurring temporal material that has the unique property of being able to 'bind' different temporal facets together. It is as thin and delicate as a spider's web, but it shimmers with iridescent light, reflecting the many facets of time it can hold together.   Harvested from the rare Temporal Spinner worms, which are found only in highly temporally unstable regions, Nexus Silk can be used to reinforce the 'weave' of a @multi-state object, making it more stable and less likely to collapse into a single state. However, it is extremely difficult to handle, and working with it requires both skill in Chronal Artistry and a steady hand.   When incorporated into the Temporal Loom, Nexus Silk can help Chronal Artists create, stabilize, and maintain multi-state objects, making these materials a precious resource in the world. The harvesting and use of Nexus Silk could also add another layer of conflict and intrigue to your story.


Material Characteristics

It is as thin and delicate as a spider's web, but it shimmers with iridescent light, reflecting the many facets of time it can hold together.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Nexus Silk can be used to reinforce the 'weave' of a multi-state object, making it more stable and less likely to collapse into a single state.

Geology & Geography

Nexus silk can only be found in highly temporally unstable regions, created by temporal spinner worms.

Origin & Source

Nexus silk originates for the temporal spinner worm, living in temporally unstable areas.

Life & Expiration

If used correctly nexus silk will last as long as needed, in experiences no deterioration nor expiration.
Common State
Nexus Silk is a wispy but sold state matter created by temporal spinner worms


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