Scarlet Lilies Material in Teyvél | World Anvil
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Scarlet Lilies

Scarlet Lilies are a precious commodity/flower that grow in the equatorial regions of Teyvél, specifically the Valley of Shushan. Their name comes from the color of their petals.


Material Characteristics

Scarlet Lilies, possess long, vaguely triangular petals with long thin filaments extending from their centers. The petals are a deep red/pink with a velvety texture while the filaments are yellow with black tips.


Scarlet Lilies are known for their medicinal purposes and thus are often used in various medical potions. Emethans use their petals to create red dye for the Weeks of Mourning and Jubilee, crushing them and then mixing them with water.

Geology & Geography

The flower species is incredibly rare. Their delicate nature requires that they be planted in a location with abundant rain, heat, and sunlight. As such, they can only grow in the wild in Teyvél's equatorial regions. Though they present a challenge for gardeners in other regions, they can be grown domestically in less ideal climates provided that all their needs are kept.

Origin & Source

According to the Holy Scrolls, these flowers were brought to life by the hand of Emeth, making them the first deciduous to bloom in five hundred years.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Scarlet Lilies are something of a panacea, as Emeth blessed their biology during his time on the earth. Due to their supernatural ability to alleviate pain, cure illness symptoms, and quicken healing, the flowers are used as the active ingredient in painkillers and medicines (either ingested with water or inhaled as incense). Teyvélian doctors consider them a staple of medical care. However, their relaxing effects can become addictive under certain conditions. The lilies are thus also used as a type of opioid drug on the black market. Some followers of Chémah use them in their sorcery practices to heighten the level of euphoria they experience.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The lilies are a significant symbol to Emethans, as they were the first flowers to bloom at the arrival of Emeth, meaning they were also the first flowers humans had seen in fives hundred years. As a result of this, they use the flowers frequently, either for incense, red dye/powder, or celebratory bracelets.   Farmers and tradesmen that specialize in lily farming and trade are often financially set for life due to the high demand that their crops receive, not only from the Emethans but also from addicts to the lilies' effects.   Scarlet Lilies are always the first flowers to bloom; on the first day of spring. As this coincides with the beginning of the Weeks of Mourning and Jubiliee, the people often spend the first day harvesting them in a festival called the Scarlet Harvest.
Scarlet Lilies produce a spicy cinnamon fragrance.
The lily buds have deep red petals, with a black center.
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