The Hanged Woman Myth in Teutspedia | World Anvil

The Hanged Woman

This story tells of a maiden who was the victim of a lynch mob that insisted that she was responsible for deaths of 6 children, who she lured into the swamps to drown and leave for the carrion feeders. As the story goes, her innocence was posthumously proven when the children's remains were found in a den of Swamp Lions. After the burial of the children's remains, members of the lynch mob begun to be found hung from the same gallow they hung the Maiden from. The village would eventually be abandoned when no culprit could be found, only sightings of a pale woman with a noose around her neck near the homes of the deceased on the night they were killed. The story is now told as a precautionary tale against mob mentality and justice, while the location of the original village and the identity of the Hanged Woman was lost.
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