The Black Sea Coast Geographic Location in Teutspedia | World Anvil

The Black Sea Coast

As it names implies the coast lies on the Black Sea found in Teutonia's south. The Black Sea has long been used for its extensive trade between the cities of Teutonia and the cities of Estragales. Where they're is strong trade they're are pirates, and the island of Tortuga has long been a haven for such crime. 

In 1117 the region was devastated when the armies of the demon Bastaphon and King Sable laid waste to Munich before destroying the port city of Odessa. From there one army moved west towards Queeg and one moved north to Bad Tolz. The armies devastated the South, leaving town, cities and villages in ruins for years to come.


Alpine FootHills
Sat between Queeg and Munich the beautiful Foothills stretch from the Black Sea to the Shettian Alps. Over the years they have been used as a natural defence for Munich as well as providing many of the city-states Tin and Iron.
Alternative Name(s)
Merchants Coast, The South


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