Queeg Settlement in Teutspedia | World Anvil


Queeg is an ancient dwarven city situated at the start of the River Maine and positioned at an important crossing for the Shetian Trade Road. The ancient dwarf hall is the oldest building in the city and serves as the cities fortress, overlooking the valley of which the city sprawls out below it. Queeg is known for producing master craftsmen and hosts the nations best places of education in these fields. Queegs crafts men are known the world over, and it was these smiths that forged Friedburg's iconic gate. 

Whilst Queeg is a beautiful city backed my snow capped mountains, Its burning kilns and forges have cause a problem of pollution within the river Maine.  

In 1118 disaster struck Queeg. As King Sable ripped southern Teutonia apart Queeg attempted to lead what cities it could in defence. The 2nd Legion of Queeg was present during the Siege of Pfullendorf, led by General Grunwalder. However both cities would fall to Sable's army under the command of disgraced Knight, Karl Brandenburg. Dispite its fall much of its people fled into the Alps, where they engaged in gorilla warfare against Sables forces.  Following the defeat of King Sable in the Battle of the Great Circle, Queeg's population has returned to begin rebuilding.


Queeg is known for its large Dwarf population, which easily outnumbers the other demographics with humans and beastfolk holding a steady population. They're are a few Drow in the city as it has access to the underdark.
Founding Date


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