Odessa Settlement in Teutspedia | World Anvil


The jewel in the crown of Teutonia, Odessa is one of the most important and influential cities in the nation. It is the main port along the black sea, capable of housing and building deep sea vessels, as well as being the naval base for Teutonia's southern fleet. Many of Teutonia's finest ships have called Odessa home, including the flag ship of the Southern fleet, The Anaconda, and the legendary all female crewed ship, The Revenge.

The City of Odessa was build confluence of the River Havel and the River Nova. The city docks are built on the Nova and flank the southern side of the city. Within Odessa's bay are three islands, Port island, Fortress Island, Arsenal Island. Arsenal Island serves as the headquarters for the Southern Fleet and is only accessible via boat. Port Island serves as the main harbour for ships, mainly the deep sea vessels. The Fortress island gets its name because it houses the castle of Odessa atop its steep cliffs, which in turn houses the cities Great Circle. The island is only accessible via the bridge to the main city.


Because of its value, Odessa has been the target of many invading armies. In 1100 the city feel to the Imperial who stormed across land from Vilnus and the Lonesome pine before that. It would lay in Impeiral hands for 6 months before the Allied nations took it back in the Battle at the Gates of Odessa, but within that time the Imperials had butchered every man woman and child within the city, and made good use of the cities port to launch attacks on Erin, and Estrgales.

Under Herzog Ryan "Jack" Travis the city began to rebuild and regrow. Eventually the city fell under the ruleship of Lord Avalon Von Odessa who continued to help the city regrow. But Odessa's growth would not last, as the Fae King Sable unleashed his armies upon the city on 14th May 1118. 

Fall of Odessa

Following the fall of Munich in the Autumn of 1117, King Sable had been gathering thier armies preparing to strike out against Teutonia on his mission to reach the Great Ritual Circle in the heart of the Black Forest. By Spring 1118 he was ready to strike. General Aulus and Lord Avalon Von Odessa led the defence of the city with aid of the Order of the Eagle. However the preparations they made proved futile, for when King Sable appeared in the distance it is said that 1/3rd of the city lost their minds, they became feral and cannibalistic. Men, Woman and Children were all effected by this madness. 
The defending army was in chaos, overwhelmed by the cannibles now attack them inside the walls. The Knights of the Order of the Eagle rallied around their Hochmeister who ordered them to save as many civilians as possible, before disappearing into the city, never to be seen again.
General Aulus ordered Lord Avalon to oversee the Southern fleet's safe retreat from the city, before using the ritual circle to escape and warn Caesar Drusus Scaro of the attack. Lord Avalon reluctantly agreed, and tasked the Church of Bane with destroying their temple which sat over the lesser ritual circle after he had left. 
General Aulus left the city walls with what little forces he had left and hold up King Sable invading force of demons. However the God eater led the attack personally and ripped through Aulus and his men before tearing the city to pieces brick by brick.
Despite the army being overwhelmed they were successful in denying Odessa's greater and lesser ritual circles. The Church of Bane demolished their temple which stood atop the lesser circle. And watched from the island of the Great circle as it fell along with the bridge that connected the Great Circle to the mainland. 

Odessa would remain a ruin in the eyes of the nation as they fought off King Sables advance to the Black Circle. Secretly the Sythis priestess Gissel Von Murmansk and her half-brother Sir Ryker Schnee, managed to rally what forces she could under her banner in Odessa and began to rebuild the city in secret. To the rest of the nation Odessa was believed to be infested with Demons appearing from a pilar that Sable's army had planted amongst the ruins. 

In 1120, Gissel's secret conclave became a problem when the warhost led armies to reclaim Odessa for the rebuilding of the southern cities. The exact nature of this conclaves relation with King Sable and his forces is unknown, but this allies of men and demons was able to outmanoeuvre the warhosts forces and push them back out of the city-state.


Alternative Name(s)
The Crown Jewel of Teutonia
Inhabitant Demonym


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