Drakes Species in Tethered Realms | World Anvil


Various species of lizard roamed Visctheria, but few were so impressive as the Godsent known as the Drakes. Ranging in size from as small as birds to as large as moutains, Drakes could also vary in color and appearance, as well as magical ability. Many smaller Drakes were kept as pets in the late Deific Age, but all were declared extinct after the impact of the Strutheo Star.

There were three species of Drakes on Visctheria: the Dragon, the Wyvern, and the Wyrm.


Dragons were the largest of the Drakes, sometimes by more than just a little. Beginning as eggs the size of a fully grown bird, it is theorized they could grow to the size of mountains - few cases of death by old age were ever observed in Dragons. There was even a rumor that the Plaxoran Range in Everia and Priquish were actually made up of one large Dragon, left behind from the first Age of Udis.


by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Similar to dogs in size, Wyverns were often kept as pets by the upper echelons of society. Bred exclusively and carefully by expert genetecists, they rarely were seen in the wild, although a few packs have been known to roam the wastes of Salman and Broca. Wyvern breeding became a lucrative trade across Visctheria, leading many to success where other fortunes failed them.


The smallest of the Drakes, Wyverns were known mainly as pests. Inhabiting - or invading, rather - everywhere from large cities to small villages, Wyrms ranged from the size of a crow to the size of an eagle. They terrorized farmers' fields and restaurant dumpsters, and could be trained to do simple tricks by wayward children.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Dragon Riders

Dragon Riders
Organization | Mar 22, 2024

The Dragon Riders were a special organization that existed in early Deific Age Visctheria around the world. They rode Dragons into battle during the Division of the World, and were solely responsible for the survival of the Dragons up until the late Heroic Age. A small faction in Salman continued to hatch Dragons in secret, protecting them from the rest of the world.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney & Canva


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