Corpse of Tita Item in Tessera | World Anvil
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Corpse of Tita

The Corpse of Tita is the colossal, slowly decaying corpse of the hermaphroditic cosmic being Tita (also called Oraiotita). It is contained with Mount Eadhab in Abrisom, disputed between the Berytusian and Midesian empires. Despite its ancient and desiccated state, it is considered the most beautiful thing by every being who sees it, except by those related to Tita herself (directly or through apotheosis). Though the tomb once had an entrance, it was collapsed by Efkaris just at the end of the Age of Amellion. Control of the Corpse is considered the most important material goal in Monism, which believes the Corpse will be inhabited by Sapientia at the End of the Age.

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