Warforged Species in Tertara | World Anvil


Basic Information


Warfogred possess a humanoid form

Biological Traits

Made of either wood, stone, or metal, or sometimes a combination of all 3, the warforged are an old people made back when dwarves still ruled their mountain keeps. Warforged possess armored bodies which help them shrug off injuries with ease, and are capable of entering a "shut down" mode instead of sleeping. Thanks to their construct nature they are immune to disease and and do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.   Warforged are also capable of getting armor meant for other races and melding it into their bodies after an hour or so. This lets their armored chassis benefit from the armor they morph into their body

Genetics and Reproduction

Warforged do not reproduce as they are created by those rare few with the knowledge to craft such beings

Growth Rate & Stages

It is unknown if warforged die of old age, as there is no record of a warforged dying of old age, but the mind and soul seems to age normally

Dietary Needs and Habits

Warfroged are constructs and do not need to eat

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Varry based on chassis and design

Geographic Origin and Distribution

After the Metal Wars, the dwarven plans were leaked to a rare few individuals with the knowledge and the faculties to create such things, and as such warforged are scattered across the world, though due to the skill required to create such a being, they remain rare

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

While warforged are assigned numerical designations in their original service in the dwarven military, they have since taken to adopting nicknames as free individuals. Some have even taken on humanoid names, often the name of a fallen friend or mentor

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Warforged typically take up the culture of whatever society they spend a significant amount of time living with


Warforged are said to be the creation of a dwarven runesmith named Thodohr Silverbreath, who wished to wage a war without sacrificing the lives of his dwarven kin. Thus with his mastery of engineering, he would create soldiers to fight on thier behalf.The first few were failures and usually ended up exploding or breaking down. But after the first few failures, he finally succeeded, and was able to create the first warforged. He then waged the Metal Wars against a large war tribe of orcs, almost completely wiping them out, though Thodohr would regret this as the warforged at first had no mercy and slaughtered anyone who got in their way. As such he dismantled many of his creations, but not before his plans were accidentally leaked to a few engineers. They would go one to make their own warforged in small numbers, and a curious case that has befallen the warforged is that many now have gained sentience, and personality. Now they wander the world almost like metal children, having to discover what life means to a being of metal and gears

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Warforged are met with either curiosity/disdain, or accusations of heresy depending on where they are. Most people may not care about warforged, but some of the more religious societies and people or other such groups may accuse them of being soulless abominations and only worthy of destruction. Dwarves however love the warforged and treat them like kin
Average Height
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The warforged typically are the color of whatever material they were made out of, but they can paint themselves up in any matter of pattern, color, or design they so wish