Vriemo Species in Tertara | World Anvil


When stranded on a distant world, only the crafty survive

Basic Information



Biological Traits

Vriemo possess 4 arms, which can help them hold on to things and to also assist in other general activates. Vriemo also have reddish purple blood and possess a strange carapace like plates on their body and their hands sport 3 fingers and 2 spiked toes with a small spike on the back of their feet

Genetics and Reproduction

Vriemo seemingly reproduce sexually, though the females seem to lay eggs which hatch after about 2 weeks

Growth Rate & Stages

Vriemo mature at around 16 years

Ecology and Habitats

Very little is known to most about the Vriemo, let alone their home planet of Reupra. What little information has been told from Vriemons that Reupra was a planet of ice and snow, with massive blizzards, and so they prefer cold environments to warm ones.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vriemo rely on a substance called Nethil, a mix of magic and gasses that they usually have a suit with rebreathers that allow them tp keep a steady supply of. Without it they seem to die and enter stasis where they are completely helpless. The process to make nethil is known to many and so making it can be easy so long as they can pick up ingredients with magical properties.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Vriemo have 4 eyes that glow a bright white-blue, but this light fades one a vriemo dies. The mouth of a vriemo possess 2 rows of sharp, knife-like teeth

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most vriemo take up residence in the mountains of the lands of Ustaria, and near some of their crash sites buried deep in those mountains, but some have ventured out to explore this new world and find work

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vriemo possess sight that helps them see in the dark better then some other races

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Vriemo names have many elements that could resemble sounds insects might make. Clicking sounds, higher pitched sounds, and other similar elements are very common

Major Organizations

Vriemo are split into multiple nomadic houses, each of which vie for dominance.

Average Technological Level

Vriemo technology is strange. While they have certainly lost most of their technology when they crash landed, with their ships forever turning dormant and most of their weapons being lost, their tech looks kit bashed and scavenged but quite impressive. Some speak of vriemo using strange magical "lightning guns" that shoot arcs of arcane energy. So it seems that vriemo make up for a low number of spell casters amongst their rank, by harnessing magical energy into their weapons.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Vriemo speak mostly Vremin, but a noticeable portion have also taken up learning common to help in dealings with other races

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Vriemo have a god of another world, known as the Great One. It is unknown if this god of theirs can give them power, as some vriemo have taken to worshipping local faiths, but this faith is not worshipped by any other races.   Vriemo culture is scavenge heavy, with great importance placed on scavenging everything one can no matter how small. This loot can be used to repair armor, or make small trinkets or tools, for after they lost their technology, they must make due with what they can get. Many vriemo dreams of one day ascending the ranks of the house leaders and becoming the Thellican, or the ruler of the skies. This Thellican can command all houses, and unite the people under one banner, but the vriemo remain scheming and infighting is incredibly common between the houses. So for the most part, a Threll of Threll is a seemingly impossible goal to achieve   Another aspect of vriemo culture is that of nomadic warriors, for some say on their planet they were exiles to the bad lands by a greater race, and so learned to survive in the harsh wintery hellscape by fighting for survival. The fight is a way to bring honor to ones house and oneself, and it is seen as a mark of pride to be able to defeat someone in a duel. However this warrior spirit can also be replaced by an entirely practical way of thinking should the need be too dire.


No one knows of the true origins of the vriemo, but long ago, some thousand years ago, falling stars would fall upon Ustaria, near the eastern edge of the Rustil territory. Some patrolling winged lancers would observe what they thought to be comets were in fact strange metal ships falling from the sky and crash landing in the mountains. After a detachment of scouts were sent to the mountains, they would find the vriemo. A very tense stand off would ensue with the scouting party and the vriemo of the ship they located, but a wizard using magic to comprehend their language would at least convince the vriemo to let them go as they meant no harm. However after this encounter it was clear the vriemo simply wished to be left alone. Scouts would continue to observe the vriemo and while many were worried that the vriemo would conquer them all, the current Tsarina of the Rustilians at the time would shock people as she would parley with the vriemo. No one knows what came of this deal, but the standoff of the two people would end, and the vriemo allowed them to be permitted passage around and outside of Ustaria, for their ways are quite nomadic. So it has been that the vriemo wander the world in large caravans of nomadic scavengers and traders, typically trying to remain as hidden as they'd like. Though they seem to prefer the lanes of Ustaria, and more specifically Rustil, apparently it reminds them of home.   Vriemo do not like to talk about their past, though they warn of some "unfathomable being of pure dark, shadow, and hate, that infected their world and it does ours." Weather this is esoteric rambling or not is unknown.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Not many now what to think of the vriemo. The people of Ustaria view them with suspicion but not outright hatred, as so far war open war between the two peoples hasn't happened, although skirmishes between the two have occurred if rustilians get a little too close to the house strongholds. Outside of Ustaria, people view them with a strange curiosity or once again a suspicious glare, but vriemo have shown to be adept forge masters and mercenaries, and quite keen scouts so long as the pay is good
200 years but can change based on nethil intake
Average Height
observed to be around 7 feet tall, but some have been known to be around 10 feet tall if access to a healthy supply of nethil
Average Weight
160lbs but can be more based on size
Average Physique
Strong, agile builds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Vriemo posses a purple like skin tone

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