The Heggrin Merchant Guild Organization in Tertara | World Anvil

The Heggrin Merchant Guild


The CEO is Drogriz Hasselrift, a crafty and mysterious Dwarf who founded the company from the ground up. Under him is the Board of Directors who help run the guild. Under them are their Officers who carry out the Boards decisions with an iron fist, and under that are the many workers that do most of the main work.


Profit margins and unrelenting greed are the culture of these guild. In fact though they sport the name guild its more accurate to call them a corporation than a guild. They include a menagerie of Dwarven clans and hearths. The Dwarves of the Heggrin Merchant Guild take the natural want for wealth in typical Dwarven life and exemplify it a thousand fold. It is said a Guilder can sell a rusty spoon for 5x its normal worth, and because of this the Guilders are incredible charismatic and slick, said to be fully willing to swindle you out of every coin you got as much as they'd be willing to help you.  The Guilders also have a complex system of rules and regulations with their work agreements, and make sure that unions are not to be allowed to form lest they dip into their profit margins.   Another aspect of life is the nomadic style many Guilders take. They will move out to new lands to establish more trade routes back with the ship their family is stationed on, or simply find something of value to bring back. it is considered almost a rite of passage for a Guilder Dwarf to go upon a journey across the realms in search of something valuable to bring back to their Ship Captain.


The Merchant Guild has a stranglehold on airship production and other related fields, and so have accumulated considerable wealth in their dealings with the Sky Kingdoms and even the Sons of Thordrindal. They stash this massive wealth in great vaults that would be the target of many pirates if they even knew how to get to them in the first place.


When the Dwarven people seperated, it broguht about mistrust and scorn from each side to the other. Truthfully it has only gotten worse over the years as the Sky Kingdoms interact with their kin in the mortal realm less and less. However one group was seemingly discontent with the way things were going. Thus it was that suddenly, many of the shipwrights and architects of ship design suddenly vanished from the Sky Ports. Panic soon set in when suddenly the Sky Kingdoms were contacted by a new faction. This new faction called itself the The Heggrin Merchant Guild, and they introduced themselves as a simple collection of merchants and shipwrights, and for the right price can sell them some shipwrights to work for them. While angered, the Sky Kingdoms did not have much choice and so accepted the deal. Since then, the Merchant Guild has prospered into a booming corporation, and even sells to the Sons of Thordrindal as well. They act as sort of a gateway for the two nations to interact with one another, even if neither truly really like these nomadic merchant caravans.


No one actually knows where the Guild is stationed completely, as it always seems to change from time to time. However it is said to be a massive mega complex of corporate officers and ship yards and weapon testing facilities.

"Any Item, Any Cost"

Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
The Nomad Guilders
Related Species