Rudvite, Goddess Of Mercy Character in Tertara | World Anvil

Rudvite, Goddess Of Mercy

Benevolent goddess of comfort and compassion

The Weeping Goddess

The world can be cruel. Disease, death, war, all these things occur and affect many around the world. To those in pain, to those experiencing hardship, there is one who brings comfort: Rudvite. The goddess of mercy feels all the pain of those afflicted, and will is depicted as a beautiful weeping woman. To those condemned to death or in prison, Rudvite brings forgiveness, to the sick or the dying, she brings comfort and the promise of happiness in the next life. Popular amongst clerics for her ability to bring comfort and healing to those in need, churches to Rudvite are almost all over the civilized world, most well off towns have at least 1 church and 1 cleric to help bring healing to the town

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbol is a beautiful white dove, crying as it carries a red rose in its mouth

Tenets of Faith

  • Save those in need
  • Care for the sick and dying
  • Cherish Life
  • Give aid to the injured and the sick


Contacts & Relations

She is in love with no other god or goddess, However, Aslir, God of love and fertility, constantly tries to woo her for it always saddens them to see Rudvite weep so much. While she always politely turns them down, she does find the acts charming and so does not mind Aslir always trying to woo her.

Family Ties

She is another daughter of the Flame, and one of the msot cherished for that reason. She is seen as a personification of the Lights healing properties, and from this it is said the hands of faith can heal all wounds.
Divine Classification