Loxodon Species in Tertara | World Anvil


Basic Information



Biological Traits

Loxodon fingers have 4 thick digits, with their feet being flat-bottomed, oval-shaped feet

Genetics and Reproduction

Loxodon's reproduce sexually, with a long gestation period of around 18-22 months

Growth Rate & Stages

Loxodon's mature at the same rate as humans, but are considered young when they reach the age of 60

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Loxodon possess an elephant like head, with very large ears that they can flap and a large trunk with two tusks next to it. The trunk can reach to be about 5 feet

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Loxodon live with the Al-Hinoso Empire, but many have also taken to exploring the world and spread the importance of knowledge and the word of their deity, Ganeo

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Loxodon possess a keen sense of smell, which can come in handy from time to time

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A loxodon's name includes subtle tones, produced in a loxodon's resonant nasal chambers, that indicate status, family connection, and community role. S ince most non-loxodons can't distinguish these underlying tones, let alone produce them. loxodons often translate them into titles. such as Hierarch, Revered, Grandmother, Healer, or Saint when interacting with other races.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Loxodons are tireless, patient artisans with an unrivaled intuition about their craft. Although they make nurturing spiritual leaders, their gift for stonework is so ingrained that they are often at a loss when they try to impart that knowledge to others.   Loxodons believe that the members of a group have a responsibility to look out for each other. This is due to their deep value for community and life. Despite their imposing figure, loxodon are very calm people, but if provoked they will flap their ears and blare their trunk in anger and prove to be incredibly strong adversaries


It is believed the first loxodon were humans blessed by the god Ganeo, when he wished to spread his message throughout the world. Their calm demeanors and wise council would prove invaluable to the residents of Al-Hinoso, where to this day many seek their wisdom to solve problems and query's they may have
450 years
Average Height
7-8 feet tall
Average Weight
Average Physique
A rather imposing build, which betrays their calm nature
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Loxodon all possess a grey like skin tone and thick, leathery skin