Kinkosei Species in Tertara | World Anvil


Basic Information



Biological Traits

Kinkosei resemble a strange mix of humanoid mushrooms. Many have plant like growth spread upon them, and their appearance can vary wildly with some looking more "human-like" than others. They are quick and agile people, and can generate healing spores to heal themselves or allies. They also have a faint fey-like ancestry which grants them many bonuses. Finally, they are incredibly resistant to poison like substances, which makes them valuable ronin mercenaries, aside from their highly skilled training in the use of blades.

Genetics and Reproduction

Similar to mushrooms, Kinkosei reproduce via a combination of sexual reproduction and hormonal spores. Gestation period is around 5 months

Growth Rate & Stages

Kinkosei mature at around the same rate as humans

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Generally can be found in the lands of Kantō, but some travel away to sell their services as sellswords and mercenaries

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Kinkosei are able to see better in the dark then the standard human, and possess darkvision

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Typically use the naming structure of the local Kantonese

Gender Ideals


Common Dress Code

Similar in style to the Kantonese

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Generally similar to Kanto culture, though with a focus on practicality as living a life as a ronin requires practical solutions rather then ones of honor and valor. Many take up the life of the ronin due to their history, and the fact that few rarely stay at one place for long, leading most to state that they have no home save for the one they carry on their back. This nomadic lifestyle is a lonely one, but one that promises great danger and great wealth.


No one is quite sure how the Kinkosei came to be, but some say they were the result of many kami spirits burning mushrooms near a human newborn that had been abandoned in the forest. This smoke of the burned mushrooms would have a hallucinatory effect, which is why the spirits did it, but with their presence and the fungal spores, it would magically transform the infant into a grown Kinkosei. This Kinkosei would grab the sword of a nearby corpse and chase off these spirits, before eventually wandering aimlessly into the local village. Though people were warry of the creature, it posed no threat and so was allowed to live inside. It had no memory of its past life, and so it simply consigned itself to a life of the ronin. Eventually it would sire offspring, and thus the Kinkosei race was born as more and more Kinkosei were sired.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Kantonese have grown acustomed to seeing the Kinkosei, though some look down on them as all honor less mercenaries. However, they are still valuable mercenaries nonetheless, and so are generally accepted in most places, save for some samurai noble courts.
Around 600 years
Average Height
Around 6ft
Average Weight
Around 110lbs

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