Ira, Elven Goddess of Nature and Mother of the Elves Character in Tertara | World Anvil

Ira, Elven Goddess of Nature and Mother of the Elves

Mother World, Wife of Khonir, The Beautiful Nightmare

Ira is the goddess of nature and also worshipped as mother of the Elven race. She would help Teclican create the Mortal Realm to protect their new race they now watched over, and through her she embodied the nature of not only the Wyld Realm but the Mortal Realm as well. It is believed that she brings a sense of balance in the chaos of nature, though it may be hard to see through all the chaos. Followers of her believe in the sanctity of nature and to instead of triumphing over nature to simply co-exist with it as simply another part of the ecosystem. Due to this, her worship has lessened in the island of Iadith, however the Wood Elves hold her as their chief deity along with her husband Khonir in the Great Dale Woods. It is also said that the nature goddess worshiped by the Celta Clans is actually an offshoot of Ira, just simply under a different name and context. One however, should not mistake her nature to be in anyway passive, for she is both everything beautiful about nature, and everything horrifying.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life, Twilight


Many of her artifacts are based of druidic items and environment bending magical items capable of keeping the balance of nature in order, as the world has become imbalanced as of late.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tree with many winding and connecting roots

Tenets of Faith

Ira does not have tenants per say, as she simply oversees the balance of nature. So as long one upholds to keep the natural world pure and untainted, really her only other tenant besides that is to simply: exist and have faith.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To defend both the Wyld Realm and the Great Dale Woods, and to bring balance to the world once more.
Divine Classification