Faun/Satyr Species in Tertara | World Anvil


Basic Information



Biological Traits

Satyr possess a form similar to humans, save for their two ram like horns and their lower torso being fur lined with cloven hoofs for feet, similar to goat. They can use their horns to ram their opponents and sometimes use it in sport against rivals. Satyr, due to their fey heritage, are also naturally resistant to magical effects, Their legs provide them the ability to jump better then other races, and they use this in their entertaining rituals. Satyrs are also naturally gifted at preforming in entertainment displays and many folk tales exist of satyrs wooing men and women after coming out of their forest. They are also said to have an almost magical charisma and this has gotten them out and in trouble many times.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyr reproduce sexually, and gestation requires about 9 months.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All sport horns on their head, and it is common for Faun to have facial hair and flowing hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Since ancient days, they have scattered all across the continent of Nilush. They can either be found in forests near cities, or in the cities and villages themselves. They seemingly have some innate preference for the forests however, and love to hide along road ways.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sensory capabilities are similar to that of a human

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Satyr names are melodic, and relate to the ancient language of the Ishtar. Female names tend to be more melodic, simple and shorter than male names, but exceptions exist. Satyr don't know surnames, but do they give each other nicknames. These nicknames can be descriptive of their physical form, their personality or a hint at events of the past.

Beauty Ideals

Satyr, being of fey origin, are considered unnaturally beautiful to many other races. This has led to them being involved in many scandalous and raunchy stories

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Satyr speak Sylvan and whatever language the people they are entertaining for long period of time speak.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Hedonistic by nature, they love parties and so always seek to raise the mood of their current environment. They will join celebrations of holidays regardless of what they are for and try to put a smile on peoples face. Satyr are also known for being curious, willing to go to great lengths to achieve their desires. A curious act of them is you can sometimes spot Faun hiding around in forests to "woo" potential travelers and partners into following them into the forest for many acts of heated passion. They also tend to play jokes and pranks though these are rarely deadly, if ever.


Satyr (also known as Faun) are fey like creatures, who are said to have moved to the world at the time of the Ishtar Empire. It is said they were enslaved and made to be entertainers, but when it fell they spread across the world along with the rest of the Ishtar's slave species. The satyr would hide in the forests for a long time before they would eventually reveal themselves to the world. Many were apprehensive at first but would warm up to the Satyr after they would revel their skill in preforming in many different forms of entertainment. Now they have integrated into he wider world, though many love to live in forests only to travel to cities and entertain the local populace.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Satyr are viewed positively by other races, though the more chaste or conservative or groups may view them as dangerous hedonists who seek to undermine the pure and orderly values of civilized society. It is for this reason that many Satyr are rebellious by nature, and always seek to raise the spirits of those around them no matter the rules. This has led to a stereotype of Faun/Satyr always looking to break up marriages and "woo" the scandalous man or woman away from their partner. While this is just a stereotype (exceptions always exist of course) it has been known to happen enough times to be noticed, though the only people really hurt in this situation are the person now no longer married.
Said to reach around 150 years
Average Height
Range around human height for the most part
Average Physique
Said to be in perfect physique no matter what, amplifying their apparent "magical beauty" to the other races.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones are similar to the range that human skin tones can varry