Decapodians Species in Tertara | World Anvil


Basic Information


Decapodians are tall humanoid creatures with a thick, chitinous shell and a broad, muscular, fan-shaped tail that allows them to swim adeptly

Biological Traits

Tough chitinous armor helps a Decapodian be extremely tough to put down, and also possess four arms. Two of these arms are similar to humans, while the other two are large pincers they can use to attack predators and to hold something down. They also are able to produce a dim light around themselves to light up dark areas.

Genetics and Reproduction

Decapodians mate somewhat similar to to humans, but female crawfolk lay eggs after mating which then hatch after a few weeks

Growth Rate & Stages

Decapodians reach adult hood around the age of 3. As it grows, it needs to molt, shedding its old, restrictive skin. At these times the young Decapodians are called "mudpuppy", and is vulnerable as larger animals hunt them for food. It is estimated that only 1 in 20 Decapodians survives to adulthood, but these numbers may be exaggerated

Ecology and Habitats

Decapodians naturally live underwater, but can curiously breathe perfectly fine on the surface

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Decapodians live in the underwater kingdom of the brine, and come form a tectonically active part of the ocean and so live tough lives

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to sticking to bright parts of the ocean, Decapodians have standard sensory capabilities similar to a humans

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Decapodians usually have short, single names with hard sounds, and most have a gurgling undertone. Male: Katho, Rahi, Yukim Female: Haili, Imina, Parm

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Crawfolk speak Aquan and common

Common Dress Code

Decapodians do not usually wear much clothing

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Survival is above all the pinnacle of Decapodians society. While this can make them appear brutish and only capable of comprehending violence, this is not entirely fair as their land requires them to be practical and tough. Only the strongest Decapodians survive to be an adult due to the harsh nature of the ocean. However, they are also rather polite, especially to the surface races as the Decapodians love to take walks along the beaches. This has led to the Decapodians taking some cultural cues from the other races.


It is said the Elven goddess of the ocean blessed their kind to be the toughest and strongest race among the deep, and to help fight off the terrible demons from the very bottom of the ocean, driving the demons to the dark depths of the ocean. Since then, Decapodians protect their kingdom from outward threat, and seek to strengthen their territorial hold on the oceans of the world

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While Decapodians occasionally do war with the Sea Elves, and Merfolk they do have a fairly respected stature amongst the underwater sentient races, save for the Sea Elves who they have a bitter hatred for. Due to their love of beaches, they have formed a strange relationship with the surface races, for while many find them intimidating looking, they don't really hold any hatred for the surface races, and trade has been prosperous with those surface merchants seeking to do business.
300 years
Average Height
6-8 feet
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Decapodians color tends to be in darker earth tones, to better camouflage itself in the water. Males and females look very similar, except males’ colors are a little brighter in hue

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