Godo Bahn Character in Terria | World Anvil

Godo Bahn

Mutahn Godo Bahn

A man with no family becides his brother who was chosen as the Mutahn for Tabo by Etsuku Tamaza. He's a cruel and vile person but is truely faithful to the empire and has unbending loyality. He is alone, without family and friends. Even his own guards are distant towards him.
"All men die, my grandfather died, and his father before him. After him, my own father died and some day I will die. Even one day, eventually, all of my children and grandchildren will die. But the Empire, that will live on."

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Godo Bahn is the son of Shotu and Mitsu Bahn who were nothing more but simple bowyers and hunters. They had two sons, Godo and Shido Bahn. Although seven years apart with three miscariages in between, they're as thick as thieves and are often mistaken to be twins due to their faces. While Godo became much of the prodical son and professional hunter, Shido became isolated and has a strange obsession with numbers. It was only after their parents death from disease that their relationship started to grow. They had a strong connection until the day his brother was assassinated. Shido hired a sellsword to spy on traveling adventurer's they also hired but didn't trust. But it would be the sellsword who betrayed him after being paid to kill Shido. Eventually, the guards tracked him down, tortured him and allowed him to capture the adventurers.
After the death of his brother, he only grew colder and more isolated from the world. Without any compainionship or friends in his life, her turned to violence.


It was roughly 45 years ago when Godo saved Lord Etsuku from Mountain clansmen who tried to rob him that begun their relationship. For saving him, he promised him a noble position in future time and named him the Mutahn of Tabo after Isuki Tahn passed away from old age. Godo Bahn started a large sweeping reform, increasing taxes, stricter laws, and cleaning away corruption. The Cruel but Fair Mutahn Bahn he became known as.

Accomplishments & Achievements

It was 30 years ago when Godo Bahn set fire to what's now known as Burning Hill and killed over three hundred moonhill bandits and outlaws. It was men, women, children and even babies who were burned alive on that hill. Godo Bahn has destoryed the entirey of the Smallfolks Brotherhood trapping them inside a warehouse and burning it down with magic fire. There was only one survivor who he will now hunt until his death, he is of course a completionist. In addition, he has discovered an new blade, and Uluf Longsword he now claims as his own and has named, Honorblaze.
Current Location
Year of Birth
7054 86 Years old
Small brown eyes
Nearly bald, dark grey hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations
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