Mermaid Species in Terravita | World Anvil


Commonly consiered the subject of a fairytale, an encounter with a mermaid is easily dismisse as a sailor's drunken tale. A mistake of a seal for a beautiful woman. In truth, mermaids are more common and more complicated than one would assume. Created by the goddess Alae, these beautiful creatures are amicable and intreagued by the world above them.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Mermaids are creatures of the sea that while quite beautiful an easily mistaken for sea monsters or large fish. In their traditional form they ehibit webbed fingers, amphibian ears, and have eyes that are solid black besides the colorful irises in the center. Mermaid skin is typically the same coloration as the scales that appear on their tail, which can lead to unique skin colorations. Mermaid hair is also commonly a similar color to the skin and tale but typically trending towards more natural colors. When in human form, mermaids take on all characteristics of traditional humans only retaining their eye color in the iris and hair after transformation. They're not easily distinguishable, with the only noticible difference from humans stemming from their incredible beauty and lack of knowledge.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though most at home beneath the waves, mermaids possess a natural wanderlust that often compels them to leave their birthplace and wander the wider world. GIfted with the ability to transform their tail into a pair of legs, mermaids can find themselves torn between land and sea, with friends in both that can't so easily cross into the other. Very little of human society can truly claim to know how mermaids came to possess this gift. Some legends say it was a gift from the gods, other that it came from barganining with a witch. No matter the turth, though most comfortable in the water, can always find a plance on land.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Mermaid names make no istinction based on gener and male mermaids, more androgynous than humans, are often mistaken for women on the rare occations they are seen. More important than gender is a mermaid's school, the family and tribe they were raised with. No school stays in the same place for long, and a mermaid who leaves home rarely knows when they will see their family again. Many wandering mermaids for this reason hold the name of their school close to their heart, waiting for the day they meet again.   General Names: Alwyn, Cora, Fianna, Llaith, Lochan, Maena, Naimh, Rae, Shani, Vilt School Names: Aislach, Belyyreka, Glaisbela, Inbehirean, Muirlough, Polesian, Rodhayla


Ability Score Increase +2 Cha, +1 to Dex or +1 to Con
Size Medium
Speed 10ft

Languages: you can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.   Amphibious: you can breathe air and water.   Lore of the Waters: youngain proficiency in History and Nature.   Land and Sea: when you aren't submerge in water you can use a bonus action to transform your lower body. Your tail becomes a pair of legs, your base walking speed and swimming spee both become 30ft, and you appear human. This transformation lasts until you use a bonus action while submerged in water to revert to your true form.   Tidecaller: you know the shape water cantrip. You can also cast create or destroy water once with this trait without the material components. Once you use this trait you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Charisma is your racial spell casting ability for these spells and any other racial spells.

Mermaids mature slightly faster than a human reaching adulthood in mid teens, and having an average lifespan a few years less than humans.
Average Height
In human form, mermaids are practically identical in size to humans, ranging from barely 5ft to well over 6ft tall.
Average Weight
Mermaids weight range varies drastically between forms and can range up to 300 pounds in the traditional form.
Average Length
Starting at the hips an tapering towards their tailfin, a mermaid's tale is at least twice as long as their upper body.


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