Extra Dimensions Physical / Metaphysical Law in Terravazia | World Anvil

Extra Dimensions

Whoops, Ostensibly Reinvented String Theory (WORST)

  While most mortals are only aware of the three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension that their world consists of, there exist additional spatial dimensions through which one can traverse with proper skill and knowledge.  


Spatial Dimensions

0 - Point
  • No dimension, discribing a singular position in existance.
  • 1 - Line
  • Variable: x
  • +Length
  • 2 - Area
  • Variable: y
  • +Width
  • 3 - Volume
  • Variable: z
  • +Depth
  • Limit of physical existance for a mortal.
  • 4 - SHIFT (Stage of Hypercubic Interdimensional Frequency Traversal)
  • Variable: ɑ
  • Each point represents a "plane".
  • Limit of physical existance for a God.
  • Within Dhalos, the primary SHIFT states are separated by "shrouds".
  • 5 - PASS (Position Across State Separation?)
  • Variable: σ
  • Each point represents states of being.
  • Limit of physical existance for a Creator.
  • Temporal Dimensions

    6 - LIVE (Linear Instant Vector Expansion)
  • Variable: t
  • +Time - The first temporal dimension is also known as the Timeline.
  • Each point represents a singular moment in time.
  • This dimension is traversed at a constant, uncontrolable rate.
  • Voluntary travel within this dimension is impossible, but viewing may be possible.
  • 7 - SOUP (Singular Orange-Slice of Universe Probabilities)
  • Variable: ρ
  • Each point represents an alternative point in time, branching from possible deviations from a timeline since its inception.
  • The second temporal dimension contains all possible variations of time within a universe.
  • Time branches from the LIVE timeline as different outcomes simultaneously become reality.
  • 8 - TOFU (Temporal Orb of Fractal Universalization)
  • Variable: ι
  • Each point represents a SOUP originating from an alternative cosmic initialization.
  • Meta Dimensions

    9 - CAPES (Chain of All Possible Existence Spheres)
  • Variable: Φ
  • Each point represents a different combination of universal variation.
  • 10 - HOME (Hypercosmic Omnipotent Metaverse Expanse)
  • Variable: Χ
  • Here be authors of all universes.

    Three Spatial Dimensions

    To understand the concept of dimensions that we cannot perceive, one can first imagine a piece of paper with a creature drawn on it. The creature exists within two dimensions, and while we are able to see the entire paper, its perspective is blocked by any object drawn onto the page. If a square were to be drawn with a circle inside of it, a two-dimensional creature would have no way to see the circle without being inside of the box, or removing one of the square's edges. Contrary to what some may believe to be intuitive, the two-dimensional creature can only view its world in one dimension, but interprets it in two dimensions. Similarly, a human perceives its world in two dimensions, interpreting the image in three dimensions in the same way a flat painting can represent a round object.  

    Four Spatial Dimensions

    With this in mind, it is helpful to think of a fourth dimension in terms of expansion from more familiar dimensions.
  • A single point has no dimension, and has no faces.
  • Extending a point along the first dimension turns it into a line with two faces which are points.
  • Extending a line along the second dimension turns it into a square with four faces which are lines.
  • Extending a square along the third dimension turns it into a cube with six faces which are squares.
  • Extending a cube along the fourth dimension turns it into a terrasect with eight faces which are cubes.

    Viewing Three Spatial Dimensions

    Using this model, it may be easier to understand the concept of additional dimensions. As a human, percieving only three dimensions within a world where there are more is akin to a two-dimensional creature viewing their own plane of two-dimensional existance on a piece of paper within a book. With some appropriate techniques, the creature may find themselves able to traverse a third dimension and find themselves on a different page of this book, perceiving an entirely separate world. Similarly, a skilled user of appropriate magic wielding the proper knowledge and abilities may be able to traverse the fourth dimension to find themself on an entirely different plane.  

    Viewing Temporal Dimensions

    As mentioned before, a two-dimensional being views their world in one dimension, and interprets the second. By lifting this creature from its flat paper plane, it may view its world in two true dimensions, gaining a greater understanding of its surroundings and ignoring barriers. Similarly, a skilled mage may extend their perspective into the fourth dimension using clairvoyance to gain a greater understanding of their surroundings by viewing it in three true dimensions. Until now, only spatial dimensions have been discussed, but temporal dimensions also exist. within the physical worlds, everything exists in a single temporal dimension (for more information, also see: Temporal Orb of Fractal Universalization ⟮TOFU⟯) where a creature percieves their existence from a singular, non-dimensional point in time. By raising one's perspective to a second, theoretical temporal dimension, one may be able to view time as a one-dimensional string, which is still limited by one's own perspective of spatial dimensions and consistent expansion of time.  

    Traversing Three Spatial Dimensions

    Main Article: Teleportation ⟮General⟯
    Humans have been making innovations to ease the traversal of difficult terrain for ages. One may be able to swim, but will likely become tired and drown before succeeding in crossing a large sea. Short distances may not be an issue, but a boat and oar will massively improve survivability and the journey's success. On the other hand, any being may be able to jump, but will return to some physical medium below them due to gravity. Birds may seem to ignore this law, but as with all physical creatures, and even human-made contraptions, they must eventually come back down due to the natural laws of our world. Travel beyond the atmosphere was never considered a possibility until very recently, and yet, contrary to the beliefs of those before us, it is possible using the right vessel.  

    Traversing Four Spatial Dimensions

    Main Article: Plane Shifting ⟮General⟯
    The Blue Shroud exists between planes, separating them to prevent interaction and the evolution of beings who are capable of existing in more than three spatial dimensions. One may compare islands to planes, and the water which separates them as The Blue Shroud. With moderate skill, a person may swim briefly in the ocean, or fish for food, but without superhuman endurance or the right innovations, it will be impossible to reach another island. Likewise, traversing The Blue Shroud requires percise knowledge of the situation and techniques in order to reach a different plane using magic. Some magic such as conjuring tethers an entity to their original plane when moving it into a new plane. After some time, or after damage has occured to the entity, it will fall back to its native plane in a similar way to being pushed along a horizontal axis.   Due to the collapse of a slice along the fifth axis just above Coj Txawv, traversal across this point is extremely difficult, and mages have often been lost forever in doing so.  

    Traversing Five Spatial Dimensions

    Main Article: Axis Shifting ⟮General⟯
    Some dimensional pockets and additional dimensions require specific vessels to exist within. A creature can only exist in one slice of the fifth axis without drastically changing their form. Any attempt to traverse the fifth axis will result in the creature being pulled back to their most natural position by a force similar to gravity, with some exceptions involving The Void. Each plane extends into the fifth dimension, but little is known about this. Most life exists within what is commonly known as the primary position along the fifth axis, where the planes and The Blue Shroud exist.   The most well known alternative position on the fifth dimension is the afterlife, in which one can only exist as a soul. A soul can linger for some time within its primary position, however, it must have a vessel to avoid being pulled to the afterlife, whose point in the fourth dimension is not determined by the plane which was occupied during its death, but rather, that which was associated with the life or god the creature lived by or resembled most. The afterlives exist below the planes on the fifth axis, though it is a common misconception that they exist on the underside of the planes.   Dimensional pockets extend into different dimensions, and are often directly linked to neighbouring point along the fourth or fifth dimension. In order to exist within this space, a three-dimensional object or creature must have a containment barrier, which is often a bag, a room, or some other container with a suitable-sized opening.   The entirety of The Void has collapsed along the fourth dimension, and traversal across dimensions nearby its convergence of collapsed slices along the fourth and fifth dimension, an anomaly in calculation may often cause the target to unexpectedly become The Void, in which Inciparia and Terravazia exist.  

    Traversing Temporal Dimensions (You Can't)

    Traversing temporal dimensions, commonly known as the act of time travelling, is not possible. While it goes without saying that one may follow the natural flow of time, one cannot go back, toward, or along the longitude or latitude of time. Sorry to disappoint.  

    Okay, But What If You Theoretically Could?

    Alright, the last section mentioned a few things that will likely pique people's interest, so they can be explained, even if unsubstantiated.   If a universe allowed such methods of time travel, then movement would be relative to a globe-like shape.   Moving along the first temporal dimention (conceptualized as back/forward, up/down, or in/out) would displace a person into the past or future within their own timeline at a rate which differs to the constant flow of time.   Moving along the second temporal dimension (conceptualized as along the longitude of the theoretical globe) would place a person within an alternative timeline, which may potentially share some common past with the timeline they had departed from. The important note to take from this is that this movement may move to the same point in time as one had come from, and within the same universe, but would exist within a different timeline.   In theory, the impossible act of moving along the third temporal dimension (conceptualized as along the latitude of the theoretical globe) which is most certainly not possible, would hypothetically move the person into an alternate universe. This universe would not share any history with their native universe, and would very likely be governed by entirely different natural laws, including magic.   In case it has not been mentioned or strongly suggested quite enough, these acts are indisputably, irrefutably, undeniably, utterly, completely, and totally impossible, with absolutely zero probability and not a single chance of ever occurring under any circumstances, in any conceivable context.   Why a globe? Well, it's more of an orb, consisting of fans. Most specifically, TOFU, comprised of SOUP. Another section will be necessary for this part.  

    Conceptualizing the Three Temporal Dimensions of TOFU, Made of SOUP

    Everything exists on a singular point in time, following the constant flow of linear temporal expansion. Lifting one's perspective into the second temporal dimension may allow sight into the past or near future, however, time can only be viewed and comprehended along the singular temporal dimension upon which one exists. While it is impossible to view and comprehend the entire timeline, it is possible to understand events which occur over vast durations, which relate to a specific entity or location.   In theory, three temporal dimensions can be conceptualised.   Time moves forward along a single dimension, and any sight into the past is viewing backwards in a straight path. When viewing potential events in the future, time is conceptualized as branching, with all possible branches existing in parallel along a single dimension. When any particular branch of time comes to pass, it is understood to be the true timeline, while all other paths branch outward into the second dimension as alternative timelines. In theory, the timeline of a universe is shaped more like a fan, or half disk, where the true timeline exists within the very centre of the fan. With this, the theory of the Singular Orange-Slice of Universe Probability (SOUP) in created.   With that said, while entirely speculative, it begins to explain the force known to many as destiny, which tends to steer certain individuals toward a particular temporal path.   A SOUP is simply a record one one universe in all possible iterations of its existance, and it exists as a thin slice among countless others like it, within the structure known as the Temporal Orb of Fractal Universalization (TOFU). Each SOUP runs from one of the TOFU's poles to the other, creating a three dimensional temporal globe, where the equator contains the true timelines of countless universes in a continuously expanding ring.   To visualize the movement described earlier, regardless of its plausibility, and relativity of temporal dimensions to one another, one may imagine a globe (TOFU, to be exact). Along this globe, the surface represents the present, while anything above the surface represents all potential futures, anything within the globe recording the past, and the core being the moment that multiple universes sprung into existence. Moving along the first dimension would be moving linearly through one's timeline, and this is constantly happening as the TOFU expands. This can be visualized as changing one's horizontal distance from the core of the globe. Traversing the second dimension would result in movement along the longitude, changing position along one's own SOUP, running from one of the TOFU's poles to the other. Movement along the third temporal dimension would change one's latitude along the TOFU, placing them in another universe.   In case it has been forgotten, traveling through time is strictly unachievable.  


    Most worlds known to mortals exist in an isolated three-dimensional space. Of all of the spaces which people consider to be worlds, there are three primary categories that define their major differences.
  • Planes contain the majority of life in Dhalos. They extend infinitely along two dimensions and take on various forms and natural laws which govern their existence.
  • Shrouds exist as special worlds between planes in the fourth dimension. These endless expanses which wrap around planes happens to be habitable, as well as traversable. The most common shroud is The Blue Shroud, however, The White Shroud, and The Red Shroud also exist throughout different positions along the fifth axis.
  • Dimensional Pockets exist in various states, but are primarily pockets of distorted space that exist within The Blue Shroud or The Void and are tethered to an anchor or portal. In most cases, these dimensional pockets occupy a limited three-dimensional space which is connected by some portal to a separate three-dimensional space which exists along a different point in the fourth dimension.
  • Planets are an anomaly within the universe of Dhalos, and the only two which exist are known as Inciparia and Terravazia. They are rocky spheres which orbit a sun and coinsidentally follow many of the same laws as the majority of planes.
  • Afterlives exist as worlds for the dead. These are normally extensions, mirrors, or copies of the plane they are connected to.


  • Fifth Axis -1: The Worlds of the Dead exist here, separated by The White Shroud. It is believed to be below the primary position on the fifth axis, giving rise to the term Underworld.
  • Fifth Axis ±0: The Worlds of the Living exist here, separated by The Blue Shroud. Most living creatures occupy this position, often referred to as the primary position along the fifth axis.
  • Fifth Axis +1: The Void exists here in a singular point, after being collapsed in both the fourth and fifth dimensions, save for this three dimensional point. Some points have been reestablished as finite pocket dimensions, such as Synti and The Red Shroud.
  • Fifth Axis -1
    Fifth Axis ±0
    Fifth Axis +1
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Afterlife For:
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Afterlife For:
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Afterlife For:
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Afterlife For:
    Mudha Saupi
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Afterlife For:
    Synti: Tyhma
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Synti: Mahtaileva
    Afterlife For:
    Synti: Itsepetos
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Synti: Petollinen
    Afterlife For:
    Synti: Mukautuva
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Red Shroud
    Afterlife For:
    Synti: Unohdus
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Synti: Ylpea
    Afterlife For The Void
    Synti: Salaperainen
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Red Shroud
    <- !! Collapsed
    Collapsed !! ->
    The Void
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud
    Afterlife For:
    Coj Txawv
    Black Shroud
    The Blue Shroud


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