9: Gigantic Sages and Sword Induced Rages Report in Terrapatria | World Anvil
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9: Gigantic Sages and Sword Induced Rages

General Summary

After the party finished counting up the treasure, the crumbling skeleton of the undead dragon divulged one final wonder; a still-living egg. The party was able to identify the egg as belonging to a copper dragon, almost certainly the breed of dragon the undead monster had been in life. How it could be that any egg, even that of a dragon could still be viable, yet unhatched after centuries was unknown.
  Taking the treasure, along with the egg and the key the party returned to the lift, taking it all the way to the top where they saw that the ceiling of the fortress inside the mountain was a crystalline dome which channeled the sunlight down the central shaft where it could be channeled and reflected to provide the whole structure with ample light.
  After some exploration of the top floor, the party found the rooms of the crown prince. Within, Krollo found the diary of the prince and a +1 dagger.
  The diary revealed that the emperor Chrysanthus had fled to this stronghold as a last resort after Hagop the Reckoner’s forces had routed him in the field. Though they were under siege, the emperor seemed disturbingly unperturbed, ordering those locked inside to hold revels and masquerades. All the while it seemed he was experimenting with some forbidden magic. In the princes garden, the party saw the edge of the dome, and a villa across the mountaintop from the fortress. Lapus was able to find a flower the like of which she could use to cast summon fey.
  Eventually they found their way into the throne room. Upon the throne sat the skeleton remains of Chrysanthus, last of the Gnarn emperors, flanked by three skeleton knights, one of which was especially imposing. Still possessing much of the formidable skill they had in life, they attacked and a pitched battle ensued in which the party came close to death, but the spirit of the reckoning blade spoke to Darius and bade him take it in both hands and commit fully to destroying its hated enemy, sending Darius into a profound rage which increased the power of his attacks. Finally the battle was won.
  Krollo claimed the emperor’s armor (studded leather+1) and Lapus opened the small silver chest beside the throne. Inside was a flawed if immense gem containing roiling necromantic power. Elsid, being an expert on the undead recognized this as a failed attempt by the emperor to transform himself into a lich, instead covering the entire fortress in a curse of undeath.
  Lia destroyed the gem, releasing the curse in an explosive blast that was able to blow a hole in the side of the dome enabling the party to leave the dungeon.
  Now atop Mount Gnosis, the party headed for the villa they saw, reasoning it to belong to the sage. Upon approaching, they found the home to be far larger than they had at first thought. The garden (the climate was strangely temperate considering the elevation) contained enormous fruits and vegetables and before long, they met the sage; a cloud giant named Nephelle.
  The Giant greeted them hospitably, offering them a rest in her home. She declined to join the ongoing war but promised that if Banjax, who was presently one day’s climb away, meant any harm, she would fight to protect her home and guests. Likewise, she offered the party use of her observatory.
  That night, Lia and Lapus were visited in separate dreams by Banjax who tried to get them to tell her where the node was, promising Lapus that her friends would be safe, and promising Lia her spot among the archons. Krollo was visited in a dream by the Archon of Mercatura who showed himself to be a devil and offered him knowledge that his patron had withheld. Krollo accepted, and though his mind was able to absorb the secret, it was not yet able to comprehend it. Finally Darius was visited by the spirit of the sword. It promised him that when fighting an enemy either he or the blade truly hated that he could once again summon that power.
  Elsid had a good night’s sleep.
Report Date
03 Jun 2024


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