Shidan Isles Geographic Location in Terrani | World Anvil
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Shidan Isles

The Shidan Isles were the epicenter of the war that fractured the world. Ancient and uncontrollable magic has permeated the area causing the Isles to be mostly uninhabitable. There are 3 Veils on the isles, 1 on the main island guarded by Maena, 1 on the lowest island guarded by Wraith, and the last veil mysteriously moves from island to island with seemingly no reasoning or pattern and is guarded by Diernigi.


The islands have, plains, mountains, forests and wastelands.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the islands are uninhabitable but there are humans and myrae that have managed to inhabit the upper and parts of the main island, most of the Myrae that live here are fae in origin.
Alternative Name(s)
Shidan, The Shattered Land
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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