Marid Species in Terrani | World Anvil
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Species: Marid Aspect: Null Home of Origin: Allassi Majority of Population: Terrani Affinity: Chaos Notable Figures: Wraith, Mallus   History: Marid are mutant beings breaking all laws of the trinity. They were created in part by Roan and his rage as an instrument of destruction. Roan was able to impart pieces of his own soul into each of these monstrosities giving them power and life. In general the Marid had no sentience and were completely at the mercy of their originator's command. A soul will always seek to become whole however and the emptiness caused a few of the Marid to begin devouring its brethren. After sometime this behavior developed 4 Marid with consciousness who would go on to become like generals to Roan. The species set about systematically destroying both Sephorians and Draedians, devouring souls to become stronger and stronger. Eventually enough was enough and Zen stepped in. Only two Marid escaped: Wraith, who had not only devoured one of his sentient comrades but also a Maetyn pact soul and Mallus who had devoured so many souls he was able to force break reality to some extent. Description: Marid were originally beings of condensed darkness often taking the form of what others feared. They had no truly discernable features. As one gained more souls and magic however they began to take more and more solid shape until they had physical forms. These forms were different but quite like Roan in appearance. The four Marid all had black hair, dark skin, completely fanged mouths and elongated ears. Each of the four however had different colored eyes; Red, Blue, Yellow and Green each being extremely vivid. Powers: Most notably were the Marid's ability to warp reality, causing everything to decay and wither around them. Because of this they are considered to be the origin of corruption. Marid were also able to steal magic, and souls from other beings through 'devouring' this left the victim as a husk. Upon devouring a soul they were able to take on the abilities and magic that resided in the soul. By the time Kaeost was destroyed Wraith had devoured The Red General, along with the corrupted soul of Kara (An Anlael of Maetyn). Along with all of the souls and power stolen from Draedians and Sephorians he managed to survive and be taken in by Zen. Wraith now exists as an anomaly with much of his power sealed. The Green General also known as Mallus had consumed nearly all of his weaker brethren as well as being the one who annihilated the most Sephorians and Draedians. He had consumed so much magic that he actually fell apart as a physical being. Without a solid form Mallus had gotten lost in the destruction of Kaeost. He eventually found himself on Allassi and made his way back to a newly formed Leophast. He found the Druid Pheobe compatible with his essence but Pheobe was one without a complete soul and Mallus got stuck with her. In an attempt to rid himself of Pheobe and the excess magic he used her as a catalyst and created the Allassion. After expending most of his captured souls and magic he and Pheobe gained separate forms again and lived out their days ruling the newly created species.


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