Motes of Power Species in Terradox | World Anvil
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Motes of Power

Basic Information


Motes of Power are Nature-Souls (i.e. small Void Anomalies) that are attuned to a certain Elemental Combination and Manifest as either immaterial creatures related to there Element or immaterial flowting blobs of Energy.

Genetics and Reproduction

Motes of Power come into existence near Void Anomalies with a Void Energy Density of at least 5 times the "Immortality Threshold".

Dietary Needs and Habits

Motes of Power feed on the Flow of Void energy in an area that is higher than there own (i.e. Density of 5 times the "Immortality Threshold"), otherwise they cease to exist after 2 weeks outside such an area. Mote of Power can recover from starvation of up to 10 Days and take about 3 Weeks to do so.

Biological Cycle

As soon as a Mote of Power coalesces in an Area with Void Energy as much as 8 times the "Immortality Threshold" they form instinctive into a Form that mirrors there given Elemental Combination. They are than able to generate there own Void energy an an area of about 2m times Rank with a Density of 3 times the "Immortality Threshold" and an additional 1m times Rank with a density of 1 times the "Immortality Threshold". (These Effects are diminished by x0.5 when the a Mote has been Bonded and can not be inherited).

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some Wisps Clans use Motes of Power as Sources of Food for expeditions.

Average Intelligence

Motes of Power have in general a Animalistic level of Intelligence with there primary focus of finding a compatible Host.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Motes of Power sense the Flow of Void Energy around them in a Radius of up to 20m.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Motes of Power also have the ability to Bond themselves with another Creature / object to gain a permanent existence in the Physical World. The Host will in turn gain Elemental Abilities comparable to a Wisp of the Same Rank as well as heightened intelligence and awareness of the world around them ranging form Animalistic instincts to a tribalistic level of understanding.
A bonded Mote of Power functions as a secondary Soul to the Host. The Original Soul's Void Energy Flow is stifled by the Bond, which results in the Host's body being afflicted by "The Void's Curse" (Curse Type is based on the Motes Elemental Alignment and defined clearly by the Host as a whole).
The Hosts descendants also gain Elemental Abilities and heightened intelligence comparable in Strength to 3/4 of there Ancestors which develops over there Lifetime. The Curse changes the Hosts Descendants into "Elemental Adaptations" corresponding with "The Void's Curse" effect and species of the Host.

Reference Article:

The Void's Curse
Condition | Jun 7, 2022
Scientific Name
Elemental Combination of Rank I to IV
10 Different Combinations based on Elemental Inbteraction
1 Year
Average Height
up to 5m
Average Weight
Average Length
up to 5m

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Cover image: by Alfred Kruse


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