Terradion Homepage | World Anvil


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Terradion is Sekou S Harko's Fatasy World made for the Pathfinder TTRPG System.   In the beginning, there was nothing, an empty expanse for Diaurum to wander. But then she encountered Terria, and the union between them birthed the first gods. From this, the world of Terradion was born, and soon after, the gods made Dragons, the first mortals. Then came the bipeds, who could not match the power of the Dragons. For they knew the ways of the universe, the ways of the arcane and divine. But after millenia under the Dragon lords, they grew arrogant and vengeful, forgetting whom they owed their power to. So Ra’anshii gifted a biped, Jira Caan, with the skills to steal what she needed to balance the scales. And steal she did, bequeathing arcane and divine knowledge from the Dragon Lords to the bipeds, and these were the first casters. But from knowledge, came conflict. The bipeds rose up against their masters in a war that lasted 100 years, driving the Dragons to extinction and setting up their own tribes to rule. And so ended the age of Dragons, to begin the age of man.