Razor Character in Terra | World Anvil
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The Lizardfolk of the party, known for his comprehension of the Druidic arts, his collection of bones, and is the muscle of the group. Has a nemesis known as Scales who is determined to fight Razor till one dies

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Razor was a Druidic Leader of a Tribe. As the tribal leader Razor was responsible for leading the tribe and making sure that their tribe was seen as a viable and strong enough tribe to stand up against an outside attack from enemy races or enemy Lizardfolk. Tribes were ruled over by the Lizardfolk elders and if the Lizardfolk Elders deemed you were to weak and not viable to support the Lizardfolk race, they would destroy your tribe and create a new one. Razor was able to teach the people of his tribe the Druidic Arts and was able to make sure that each person could defend themselves if they had too as well as teaching basic survival skills, farming, and bone carving skills. With Razor’s guidance the prominence of Razor's tribe soon began to rise and many of the other Lizardfolk people started to notice and were fine with this until Razor began to expand and move his tribe outward further into places that were uncharted lands to accommodate his tribes needs. The Lizardfolk warned Razor that if he did any more of this, there would be war, and blood would be shed. Razor was put in between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't not help and expand his tribal lands to accommodate for the size of his tribe and all the needs for food, housing, and water, but if he kept doing so rival tribes would rise up and bring on a war that would surely end in Razor's tribe's demise. Razor did the only thing he would do, help his people, so he expanded his lands and started to fortify his lands beginning to teach more defensive and war like druidic spells and teaching more complex defense techniques. What Razor didn't know was that their was a spy in his midst. Over the course of the next few days after the fortifications were almost complete, there were signs that the tribe was being watched, on the outer reaches of the walls there were markings in the mud and all the animals began to go missing, crops were being destroyed over night and many of the people began growing restless, asking for an end to this feud. Razor, hearing his people, called for an emissary to go to the Lizardfolk Elders to put an end to this insanity. The emissary never returned. Razor, not hearing from the emissary, feared for the worst and began to start an evacuation, knowing that his tribe would be no match for all of the other Lizardfolk tribes attacking at once against him. During the night as the tribe was evacuating, the rival clans attacked and murdered Razor's tribe and only he survived. Razor was able to fight off as many as he could but was toppled by one of the strongest Lizardfolk and head warlord for the Lizardfolk Elders, he was known as Scales. Scales was known for his brutality in battle and had marked each of his scales for each of his kills that he had made on the battlefield(he has a lot). Scales proceeded to beat Razor to a pulp and the Lizardfolk left Razor to die in the mud of his destroyed tribal lands and his murdered tribe's people. Razor awoke to the forest gathering its energies to heal and restore him and was able to bring Razor back to life. Razor knowing what the forest and all that it had done for him ever since he had learned the Druidic arts, he knew that he had to dedicate himself to the Druidic Arts fully, and be able to teach and pass down these arts to the next group of people that would allow Razor to teach them


No formal education


Once the Druidic Leader of his tribe

Mental Trauma

Saw his entire clan be slaughtered by Scales and his rival tribe
Current Location

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