Death of The Moon Myth in Terra Et Sanguis | World Anvil
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Death of The Moon

The death of the moon was a tremendous event, rumored to be the cause of all magical powers and monsters. Some say this was caused due to an archeological dig in the Outlands, one that unearthed some curse turning the moon red as blood. It is said this is what lead to the end of the civilized world.   The mythos mainly starts with the belief of the expedition crew of Ivor Persop , a human explorer back in 1683AH, had gone all the way west of the Outlands finding an old drow ziggurat. Upon discovering this ziggurat it is said that he had found a relic, the Eye of the Moon, a glass orb that always reflected the moon. When Ivor had found this he had acquired it, in which people believe this is what caused the bleeding of the moon. Ivor was never heard of again, but some claiming to be apart of the crew had told stories, some parts aligning but many ending differently. Most of the people telling these stories were beggars and vagrants, leading to disbelief in the story.   The actual Death of the Moon is believed to have happened in 1695AH.

Historical Basis

This Mythos is routed in the story behind the fabled Westward Expansion expedition led by Ivor Persop. This expedition was set to explore and discover the remainder of the Outlands, and cross the grand river that separates the Outlands from the Bloodcoast. The expedition was successful up until the end where Ivor and his crew dissapeared. It was around 1706AP when the moon had turned red, or "bled" as Outland locals called it, as well as when Ivor Persop had disappeared. It wasn't until much later when individuals started telling stories that people created the myth of the Death of the Moon.


This myth has spread all around the world as refuges and traveler's escaping the Outlands to other locations. Many nations now know about this myth, and recognize it has a legitimate reason for the chaos around the plane.

Variations & Mutation

While the beginning of this myth is mostly the same, since it was told through word of mouth the ending seems to change each time. Some say that when Ivor had taken the relic a beast had summoned into existence, killing Ivor and many of the crew with only a small few escaping. Another variation is rather than Ivor dying he fought the beast or even became the beast and is still there. However, the ending is not the only thing that changes in this myth. The relics nature also is consistently changing from an eye, to a heart, to even a stomach.

Cultural Reception

Some cultures accept this story, making it out to believe that this is the real cause for the phenomena. However, that also leads to a hard distain towards the Drow. With this being the case the drow do no accept this story, denying that there was drow architecture as the Blood Coast was sacred ground meant to be untouched. As well as some cultures around the world still believe it to be fake or just the Outlanders imaginations.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
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