Eastbank Settlement in Terniata | World Anvil
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Eastbank is the most recent of the boroughs, having only had a place and voice amongst the boroughs for a dozen years. It had always been a district of warehouses, but a sudden surge in population has led to rapid expansion and a great number of poor and struggling families settling there. Eastbank is the most likely spot for new skilled arrivals to the city to find work. Many of the larger traders and businesses have locations and warehouses here, which is part of why Eastbank was able to become a true borough.

  There is some stigma amongst the higher classes for inhabitants of Eastbank, essentially seeing it as "new money". Eastbank is the youngest brother of the boroughs, full energy and vigour, but lacking the traditions and history, not to mention the experiences of it's older siblings.


Houses are generally small cottages and may even double as a business or workshop. They're mainly made of wood rather than brick or stone. Terraces are common, but rarely above one story and those that are are separate dwellings. It is not difficult to find rooms for rent, and most races or species will find communities here.
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