Ophidra, Ascendant Medusa Godling Character in Tergaith: Hobby Central D&D World! | World Anvil

Ophidra, Ascendant Medusa Godling

One thousand years ago was the last great mating. The three surviving Yuan Ti tribes of the Anapernapa Jungles gathered together to brew the Black Broth necessary for the mating. But, that magical brew alone is not enough for the mating to take place. The presence of the ghost of the Great Elder God, who long ago vanished to become the 111th plane of the Abyss, is required. At that time, the tribe of Eassspertau had gained the ascendancy , so they took on the Ritual of Summoning the Great Elder at that time of the planar conjunction. As a result, the tribe of Eassspertau increased its progeny the most, using human slaves captured from the nearby Empire of Anapurna, while the tribes of Reasthersan and Tuperasssu gained only a small number.
  The Empire of Anapurna was angered, and called on the God of Natural Law, Lord Rudra. Their prayers were answered, and the god sent his paladins to make war on the Yuan Ti of the Anapernapa Jungles. That war lasted for nearly 100 years. The Yuan Ti survived, but their numbers were reduced.
    The tiny tribe of Reasthersan perceived that the Yuan Ti could not continue on their present path and still survive. They sought their own peace by ceasing to prey upon the Anapurnans, and ceasing the trade in slaves. The tribe of Reasthersan became followers of the snake goddess Sssshterthraput, who believes in total freedom, but lies neither on the side of Good nor Evil. Their next mating, soon to occur at the coming 1,000-year planar conjunction, will seek out only willing human converts.

    The powerful medusa Yuan Ti Ophidra was a progeny of the last 1,000-year mating. As a member of the elder tribe of Eassspertau she seeks a multitude of human slaves to present to the ghost of the Great Elder God during the upcoming planar conjunction, so as to increase her tribe's progeny as best she can. An assault on nearby human fortresses and towns is likely.

    Thus, one of the few progeny of that last, 1,000-year mating to survive among the Reasthersan was also sent out by that tribe to establish a snake cult and attract human followers who will willingly seek the taste of the Black Broth and become Yuan Ti for their tribe.

    The daughter of the Reasthersan thus sent out was Xi Shi.

    Xi Shi navigated through the Empire of Anapurna due to their peace treaty with her tribe. Yuan Ti purebloods of the Reasthersan are tolerated by the people of Anapurna, but only barely. Sometimes they are called upon to rid a neighborhood or village of snakes, or to conduct magic rituals which most Anapurnans find abhorrent. Still, should a paladin or cleric of Lord Rudra come across a Reasthersan, the result might be unpredicable.

    Xi Shi then navigated her way through the Empire of Silk and Spice, relying on her contacts with the underworld to get her through.

    She spent no small amount of her tribe's saved gold to gain passage across the steppe of the Khanate of the Blue Emirs unmolested.

    Arriving at the Keep of the Borderlands, her real adventure began.

    It's possible that the tribe of Eassspertau REALLY pissed off the Anapurnans by converting a Guardian Naga of a Temple into a Bone Naga. Maybe Ophidra has it?

    Ophidra may or may not recognize Xi Shi as from a competing tribe. If so, she hasn't said anything yet.

    Xi Shi has now become powerful enough to seek members for her own Cult of the Snake Goddess Sssshterthraput.

    Could Ophidra be using her pyramid / temple as a way of attracting the attention of the ghost of the Elder Snake God during the upcoming planar conjunction?

    Ophidra said something about Dendar, the Nightmare Serpent buried in dreaming deep beneath Tergaith's surface. It was an offhand remark that went unnoticed at the time. But now it floats up to Xi Shi's consciousness at random moments...

  "Why should I worship that which I can myself become?"
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Taming the primitives in the Border Marches. And they're all primitives, compared to her.
Current Location
Unknown (999+)
Current Residence
Temple of Ophidra Invicta
Female morphology, but lacks sexual organs
Aggressively female, usually naked as well; may wear armor but no clothing to speak of
Light green, flickering and hypnotic.
A riot of deadly pit vipers and cobras, glistening and dangerous.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale greenish-white skin on upper body, smooth as milk, turning into iridescent green scales at the waist.
6'11 (varies)
Dendar, the Night Serpent.


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