Maseracht Ethnicity in Tergaith: Hobby Central D&D World! | World Anvil


The Maseracht people originally hailed from the north-central part of the western continent, living among the elves and sometimes among the Drow beneath the surface as well, leading to a variety of cultural and ethnic characteristics that nevertheless always add a slightly fey tone after thousands of years of close relations. They are human, not half-elven, though sometimes it's hard to be sure unless one can see their rounded human ears. Some have quite dark skin and features, others have light skin and a more dense build, but the combination of light skin with black hair and rounded high cheekbones is a distinctive Maseracht indicator.   Culturally as a people they combine the delicacy and hardiness of sun elves with the more vigorous and robust aspects (and cultural foods) of humans of cooler climates and are as a culture, great lovers of wine, dark ales, and short beers for drinking and sausages, cabbages and potatoes cooked in a thousand different and delicate ways as their food. Their cuisine's obsession with thin slices is distinctive, and connected to (possibly created by) a cultural love of knives and blades of all kinds. A favored chef's knife might be passed through the generations the way a dragonborn passes on a greatsword from parent to child.
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