Gryttrheim Geographic Location in Teranuz | World Anvil
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Gryttrheim is a mountainous region on the Northern tip of Crestfall. A dangerous, rocky expanse populated by fearsome beasts, the mountains of Gryttrheim are infamously known to be an environment wherein only the hardiest of individuals stand a chance of survival.  

Geography and Landmarks

The mountains of Gryttrheim are a rough, craggy expanse occasionally broken up by patches of dense taiga forest. Due to a combination of the region's elevation and position far North of Teranuz's equator, Gryttrheim is perhaps the coldest region of Crestfall, the rocky landscape subjected to long winters of heavy snowfall and howling, frigid winds.   While the mountain lands appear uninviting at a glance, the region possesses a number of resources which make it highly desirable for those brave enough to endure its harsh conditions: both the dwarves of Kovia and the human-led Hegian Empire have erected settlements in Gryttrheim to expand their industries of mining and deforestation; this abundance of work has inspired a great number of laborers from both nations to migrate to the region, despite the inherent hazards it presents.  

Demographics and Culture

As previously mentioned, the mountains of Gryttrheim are pockmarked by small communities of Kovian and Hegian immigrants; however, humans and dwarves are not the only sapient races to occupy this region, nor are they the first to claim the region as their home. For thousands of years, the harsh mountains of Gryttrheim have been home to the nomadic orcs, tribes of heavily-muscled humanoids heavily adapted to the region's unforgiving environment.   Even older than the orcs, Gryttrheim is home to ancient and terrifying relics of a long-dead era: high up on the mountains dwell the last remaining giants of Crestfall. Far removed from the much more intelligent giants that once dominated the continent, the giantkin of modern Gryttrheim are both smaller than their ancestors as well as only possessing a fraction of their intellect. The largest of these surviving giants, known as the Hill Giants, roam the region as solitary hunters, eking out large territorial borders and fashioning crude and primitive weapons both to ward off rivals and hunt down their prey, the latter of which typically consisting of just about anything smaller than themselves. Other varieties of giantkin native to Gryttrheim include ogres, cyclopes, ettins and trolls.
Inhabiting Species


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