Dolor Geographic Location in Teranuz | World Anvil
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Dolor, the Fiendish Waste is one of the eight planes of existence which make up the Great Prism cosmology. The plane of Dolor is a hellish world that is home to all manner of fiends, be they devils, demons or yugoloths.  


The "world" of Dolor is set on the shattered fragments of a large planetoid, its fractured pieces loosely held together with miles-wide chasms providing a direct route to the planet's still-intact molten core. Each "shard" of Dolor's world is densely populated by fiends, from the sprawling devil-built obsidian cities to the wide ashen wastelands ruled by roving bands of demons.   The fractured planet is suffused in an atmosphere of negative energy, believed to be both the source of the fiends' magic as well as the corrupting influence which gives them their myriad and often grotesque forms. Uniquely among the planes, Dolor exists within close proximity to the positive-energy plane of Tribunal; so close, in fact, that Tribunal is visible from Dolor's "sky". Because of the unusual proximity between the two planes, the negative energy of Dolor has been occasionally known to "drift" upwards and commingle with the positive energy of Tribunal, resulting in large and violent storms akin to when a warm front collides with a cold front.  


Dolor is the home of fiends: devils, demons and yugoloths. While these three fiend "subspecies" tend to differ in terms of appearance, behaviour and culture, fiends are all alike in at least one aspect: their dependency on mortal souls.   Fiends rely on the souls, or life force, of mortal creatures, which both nourish and empower the fiends: the more souls a fiend has accumulated, the more powerful the fiend and thus the higher its rank. The way a fiend might go about collecting these souls is where the three subtypes begin to differ: while the more aggressive and bestial demons prefer the direct approach of killing mortals for their souls, the scheming and strategically-minded devils are more likely to strike deals and pacts with mortals with souls as their primary form of payment. Yugoloth's take the latter's approach one step further and treat spells as a currency, bargaining not only with mortals but also other fiends to forge alliances and further their own agendas.   Fiends possess a unique form of semi-immortality, in that any fiend slain outside of the plane of Dolor is not permanently killed but instead transported back to their home plane. While inconclusive, it is possible that this ability to recover from death outside of Dolor costs a fiend a portion of its accumulated souls with each use, meaning that a fiend is weakened by each death it receives until it is able to replenish the souls it has lost.
Dimensional plane


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